Nishikata started thinking about the truth or dare game that happened yesterday

'Yukari kissed me with her tongue! why did she use her tongue, also the girls saw me undress in front of them, Sanae asked me if I wanted to 'get physical' is she expecting us to do that soon? also I'm glad that we never did Mina's dare that would be so embarrassing to do'

the door opened and Sanae told Nishikata he could come back inside the room, he came back inside and they all talked for a bit before getting ready to go to school, the 4 of them began walking to school together

"Yuki hold my hand to school" Sanae held her hand out and Nishikata held her hand

they made it to school and hung out until school started and they made it to lesson together and on their way there they saw Takagi, who tried talking to Nishikata

"Nishikata, can we please tal-" Sanae got in front of her and pulled her away from him

"Leave Yuki alone! I don't want you near him"

"Y-Yuki? you call him by his first name?" Takagi felt like she was going to cry

"p-please Sanae, just let me talk to him, he doesn't seem to like me anymore, I just want to stay as his friend"

"I said no!" Sana returned to Nishikata and grabbed him and kissed him again to upset Takagi more

Takagi ran away into the girls bathroom

the school bell rung and they went to their first lesson and sat together

during the whole lesson Takagi hadn't been seen

"I wonder where Takagi-san is? we saw her earlier" asked Nishikata

"Let's not worry about her" said Sanae

TimeSkip: Recess:

Nishikata, Yukari, Sanae and Mina were together for recess and Sanae and Nishikata were holding hands again

Nishikata noticed Takagi by herself looking like she was about to cry

"hey there's Takagi-san, she looks sad I'll go talk to her"

Sanae stopped him

"w-wait Yuki, you should leave her alone, she might not wanna talk to you"

"I just wanna ask her what's wrong, that's all"

He let go of her hand and walked over to Takagi and Sanae felt so angry

"Hey Takagi-san, are you okay"

Takagi looked up and saw Nishikata, she stood up and hugged him

"Nishikata I'm so sorry I rejected you, Please forgive me"

Nishikata stayed silent, he didn't know if he was ready to forgive her or not

"I'm sorry Takagi-san but I don't know if I forgive you or not, you relly hurt me"

"Please, I'm sorry"


Suddenly Takagi kissed him

"Takagi-san! what the fuck?! I have a girlfriend!" he yelled at her

Sanae ran over to them and grabbed Nishikata

"get away from my boyfriend! what is wrong with you?!"

she pulled Nishikata away and back over to Mina and Yukari

"Yuki, please don't talk to Takagi again!"

Nishikata nodded at her and stayed next to Sanae for the rest of the day

End Of School:

Sanae, Nishikata, Mina and Yukari were walking home together and Sanae and Nishikata ere holding hands again

"hey tomorrow is the weekend, what are you doing Nishikata?"

"I don't know, I don't do much on the weekend"

Sanae then had her own idea

"hey Yuki, how about tonight you and I have a sleepover, just the two of us"

Nishikata blushed

"Um, I'll have to ask my mum first"

"great, I love you"

they reached Nishikata's house and said goodbye to each other

Nishikata was greeted by his mum

"hey sweetie"

"Hey mum, Mum... is it okay if one of my friends have a sleepover here tonight?"

"another sleepover? who do you want over?"

"my girlfriend Sanae"

"A girl?! can I trust you?"

Nishikata blushed

"O-Of course you can trust us, I promise"

"then yes, she can have a sleepover here with you"

Nishikata thanked her and smiled

he went to his room and texted Sanae

Hey Sanae my mum said that you're allowed to stay over

she immediately messaged back

Great, I'll be over soon


Sanae arrived at Nishikata's house

Nishikata's mum answered the door and greeted her

"Hey Sanae, Nishikata is upstairs in his bedroom"

"okay thanks!"

she ran upstairs and into Nishikata's bedroom

"YUKI!" she ran over to him and tackled him with a hug

she then kissed him again

"hey Sanae, what do you want to do first in our sleepover?"

"well Yuki, First I want us to..."

Karakai Jouzu No Takagi-San: rejectionWhere stories live. Discover now