Lost Tiger chapter 1

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King was taking a late night walk down the quiet, dimly lit, road. Fee had HUMPHREY on a leash, and he followed closely behind King. King had earbuds in and was listening to the My Little Pony theme songs in different languages. "Oh, how nice it is to be a polyglot," King said as fee hummed along to the songs and did a dancey dance.

HUMPHREY was enjoying the night air when he realized that King had gotten distracted with the My Little Pony songs. He quickly snuck away. HUMPREY had always been curious as to what the world had in store for him, so, naturally, everything fascinated him. HUMPHREY was so busy exploring, he didn't notice that he had strayed particularly far away from King. HUMPHREY saw many things that night. He went to bakeries and snagged some pastries that were going to be thrown out. He did the same with a few butcher shops. He also visited a few stores, and although he would never admit to it, he shoplifted a few cheap items. His night was so refreshing that he didn't even realize that King may have been very worried about him. It wasn't until HUMPHREY found himself at an unfamiliar park, that he realized the severity of his situation. He was tired from all his exploring and he didn't know where he was or anyone here.

"What if I never see King again? I wonder if fee is mad at me. Fee is probably upset that I ran off. I am so sorry King! I promise that if you find me I will never again run off like this," His sad wails caught the attention everyone in the park. HUMPHREY lay on the grass near a sidewalk with his head down. He was so utterly distressed about his situation that he didn't even notice when someone walked up to him.

Gale was always a productive human being. He constantly showed off his manliness by taking scheduled jog breaks. Recently his schedule became so tightly packed that throughout the entire week he had neglected to show off his manliness. It was late in the afternoon, Gale was flexing his biceps in the mirror when he realized that him and his spongebob arms hadn't seen daylight since the time period in which every teenage girl was obsessed with Twilight. He decided to make up for the lost time by compiling it all together. He grabbed a bottle of water and sprinted out of his house. As he ran out of the house, his Mello wig caught on the door frame because Gale is exceptionally tall. He sprinted back inside his home and took off his Mello cosplay. He claimed, "My Mello cosplay isn't suitable to go on a jog in!" He slipped on his LayOreo cosplay and left the house again. He walked to the park where he usually went to film tiktoks when the cosplay fairies told him his bathroom wasn't cutting it anymore.

He was on his last lap when he came across a rocking tiger laying on the grass and lightly crying. "Aw, I wonder why the tiger is upset. Oh well, I guess I'll never know," Gale thought. He was about to walk away quietly so that he didn't have to deal with a crying tiger, when his long legs tripped over each other and caused him to fall. Luckily his American Ninja Warrior reflexes kicked in and he caught himself before falling. Then he did a backflip, three cartwheels, and the entirety of the cha cha slide. His amazing moves caught the attention of a certain rocking tiger.

HUMPHREY was amazed at what he had seen. Someone that incredible could definitely help him find King! "Sir, can you help me find my friend, please?"

"No, sorry. I have to go pet my wigs obsessively for an hour. Bye!" Gale turned away and started on his way back home.

"I'll pay you, mister!"

Gale turned his head faster than the girl from the exorcist and ran back to the tiger. "Money, you say! That changes everything! How much?" Gale was basically salivating at the idea of being paid to do a small favor. He thought of all the cosplays he could buy with money.

"Anything you want! King will be paying anyways," HUMPHREY says, mumbling the last part. Gale quickly accepts and starts sprinting in a random direction with HUMPHREY in his arms. They searched everywhere they could think of, but the results of their efforts were disappointing.

"Sorry,...uhm you didn't give me your name,"


"Oh, so like the egg?"

"No you dummy, not like the freaking egg! That's Humpty!"

"Oh yeah, you're right. It sounds like an old person name,"

"Well at least I dont look like I'll turn to dust if a slight breeze touches me!"

"No need for insults. You'll hurt my feelings and then I'LL be sad,"

HUMPHREY deadpans Gale and says, "The thing is, I don't really care,"

"I'll leave you here if you're just going to be mean to me,"

"I was kidding! I swear,"

"You better have been. Anyways, I'm tired and we aren't going to find your friend today, so I'm going to go home. You can stay here if you please. I'll be back tomorrow to continue looking for your friend,"

"No! You see...I've never spent a night alone, and I feel I would be scared if I stay out here. Could you please take me home with you? I'll leave as soon as we find my friend, I promise,"

"Well, I don't see the harm in it, so sure. But you would have to stay in my room and I only have one bed,"

I'm ending this here bc Gale is on Live and i love him- love supporting him yes. Anywho, yes I pulled out the one bed trope. What're you going to do about it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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