14 [ I'm sorry, Ily. ]

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It's a Saturday morning, you were in bed eating ice cream. The tub on your lap and just lazily scrolling through your Instagram feed. You sighed at the thought that you kissed Jaemin...

You; "why... the... fuck... did.... I... do... that... hmphhh..." , you placed the tub of ice cream away and threw your phone to your side. You fiddled with your fingers until you heard your phone buzz. "interrupting my sulking time? seriously?", you lazily got up and grabbed your phone.

*message from Na Jaemin*

Na Jaemin

Yo... Meet me at the beach side tonight at 9. cya there.

You; "HAAAAAAAAA!??!?!? HE- I- WHAT- MEET? BEACH? BITCH!?", you grabbed the pillow next to you and screamed into it.

Your POV

Please why? Off all the places it had, it just HAD to be that one place I feel all so romantic at. Can I not go? Knowing him... if I didn't show up he'll probably come here. I let out the longest sigh of my life and got up.

You; "I'll just go there and deal with it..."

Author POV

You checked the time and went to your closet. You grabbed your black ripped jeans and a black sweater. You put it on and walked into the bathroom. You stared at your reflection with a disgusted look and brushed your hair, put on some contact lenses and some lip balm. You grabbed your keys and placed it on the table near the door.

You went to the living room and turned on the TV.

You; "EXO's songs will hopefully cheer me up" (stan EXO azzholes)

You selected the song 'First Snow' and then walked to the kitchen. You made a cup of tea and cooked some rice. Taking out a container with leftover kimchi from the fridge and grabbing an egg. You heated the pan up and then cracked the egg. The kimchi was heating up.

After the rice finished cooking, you grabbed a bowl and chopsticks. You scooped the amount of rice you felt like eating and kept the extra in a box, then placed it in the fridge. You pulled the plate with the fried egg and heated up kimchi near to your bowl of rice. Comfortably you sat down and ate you dinner. (Damn I feel hungry writing about this)

The music calming you down. It felt so relaxing.

The clock strike 7pm and you were done eating. You were sitting down at the same spot, sipping your hot tea while scrolling through some unread messages.

You; " Two more hours... what to do now...?", you wiped your hands and walked to the living room. 'Growl' by EXO was playing and you hummed to it while roughly doing the choreography. Eventually you stopped, you went to your room and grabbed your credit card and put it near your phone on that table near the door.

back to Your POV

I opened my sliding door and stepped out to the balcony. I looked down at the streets and the entire city was lit up. Damn it's so beautiful. I made myself another glass of hot tea. I was about to walk out to the balcony again but my phone rang. I put the mug down and checked who was calling.

You; "Hello, Hyuk..."

HC; "Erm... Hi Y/n...", there was silence over both lines which made me feel... well, a little awkward. The silence was broke by Hendery screaming at the back. Which made Hyuk scream in surprise. "The fuck is wrong with you?!?! You scared the hell out of me!!!??".

HC; "Oh... yeah... Y/n... I-"

You; "Yes? sorry I zoned out..."

HC; "oh- er well... Jaemin said he'll be there later than you... He'll be there around 10 minutes after you. So please text me once you reach there ok?"

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