Goin' Flyin'

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{Red's POV}
Spirits hooves slammed through the forest as I willed her to go faster. Lori, the mother of Carl, clung onto my body. Her breathing was ragged, and her chest heaved against my back. I could clearly feel her heartbeat against my body, it was fast and deep.

Once we got to the house, Rick was already standing out there in front with dad. Rick ran towards his wife as I hoisted her down from the horse. They hugged then ran into the house, my father walked up to me and grabbed my hands holding them tightly.

"I told the rest of their group how to get here, they should be here in a few days." I said, looking up into his eyes sincerely.

"Alright, but I don't want you to get to attached to them, I don't want them to stay here to long." He answered, returning my look.

"K, I'm gonna go for a little fly, haven't been on one in a while." I said, walking away from him slowly.

"Okay, be careful." He replied, turning and walking in the other direction.

I walked in the direction of the stables. I opened Spirits pen and petted her for a minute.

"I goin' flyin' girl." I told her softly. "Ya wanna run?" I asked her. She whinnied playfully and nodded her head. I let her out of her pen and she took off out of the small building. She was so much like a human I didn't have to worry about her coming back because I knew she would.

I then, ran over to Zack and I's tree. I climbed up to 'his' branch. (This tree was a huge oak, with very large branches, which we carved out then slept and kept our stuff on.)

"ZACK!" I yelled to him. He had on his black Beats which loudly played My Chemical Romance, which was one of our favorite bands. He looked up from his phone and pulled off his headphones when he saw who it was.

"What do ya want?" He asked sounding annoyed.

"I'm goin' flyin' you wanna come?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"Yah sure," he answered, putting his headphones, and phone in the small hole we had carved in the tree trunk.

"Right then, let's go." I answered, shedding my long, navy blue trench coat that hid my large, black wings. I unfolded my wings and jumped off of the limb of the tree. I swooped upward and heard the flapping of my colleague's wings as he followed behind me. We soared up into the sky and steadied ourselves when we got high enough.

{Daryl's POV}
I still couldn't get that mysterious girl out of my head. There was definitely something different about her. As we climbed over the guard rail to the highway, Dale ran over to us.

"W-what happened, we heard a shot, where is everyone?!?" He asked frantically.

"Rick, Shane, and Carl went off on their own to keep searching. Then this girl comes running through the forest of horseback and tells us that Lori needs to come with her because Carl was shot." Glenn answered quickly.

"Wait, CARL WAS SHOT!!!!" Dale exclaimed, pulling on some of his hair. I waltzed away from them and over to the car that I had claimed to sleep in. I put some squirrel that I had killed into the backseats and stepped out. Then, a large shadow of something swooped over my head. I looked up to see two huge birds flying overhead. I quickly loaded my crossbow and shot. One of the large figures started to fall from the sky.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" I heard the other one scream.

What?! Birds don't scream!

The other bird folded its wings into a dive and started to follow the other bird that fell from the sky. The bird I shot landed heavily behind me. I turned around to see a human laying there, but it wasn't completely human. It had huge pitch black wings. Then the other thing landed swiftly, yet silently, almost gracefully next to it. This one had its back to me so I could get a better look at its wings. They were HUGE! They were completely pitch black, with tips of silver that coated the ends of the feathers. The wingspan was massive, probably 14 feet long! The thing stood up, it's back still faced me. When it turned, I swear I think everyone but Dale and T-Dog gasped, including me. There stood the girl that had rode out of the trees on horseback, and had saved Andrea with one shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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