She sighed, unbuttoning her shirt and her pants, slipping on Theodore's shirt. Climbing into bed with him, but staying as far away from him meaning she was on the edge of the bed.

The blanket not being able to cover her completely, she laid there shivering from the cold her teeth slightly chattering. They were right when they said the Slytherin common room was cold. Especially at night.

She glanced over at Theodore, seeing he was sound asleep. She couldn't help to notice how his features were illuminated from the reflection of the water and moon.

His skin glowed, and his jaw line stood out more somehow. She listened to his soft breathing. And breathed in his scent. How can someone so good looking turn out to be a dick she thought.

She turned her head back around staring at the wall. Rubbing her eyes, she let out a yawn. Her eyes started to grow heavy, letting out one more yawn before falling asleep.


Y/n stirred in her sleep, slowly waking up, the light from the sun reflecting off the water hitting her eyes. Trying to sit up she realized something was holding her down.

Her eyes shot open, and looked down to see Theodore's arm was snaked around her waist.
'When did he-?' She thought to herself trying to wiggle out his grasp.

Causing a groan to leave his mouth, but not waking up. She sighed in relief still trying to free herself from his grasp but with slow movements this time. Causing for his grip to get tighter on her waist.

'Fuck...' She thought.

She glanced at the clock he had on his walk and realized breakfast was one hour from being over and she still needed to go to her dorm and get ready before class starts.

"Nott." She whispered. No reaction.

"Nott." She said slightly louder. Still getting no reaction she grew slightly irritated.

"NOTT!" She yelled this time causing him to jolt swam removing his arm from her waist. She let out a sigh of relief.

"BLOODY HELL WOMAN WHAT?!" He shouted in anger from being woken up.

"Breakfast is over in an hour and we still need to get ready." Y/n said.

Theo groaned, rolling himself back in his blankets closing his eyes going back to sleep, mumbling "It's to early, go away."

She rolled her eyes, and started to get dressed. Leaving the common room she prayed to Merlin no one saw her leaving the Slytherin common room.

She was in enough trouble as it is.


She entered the Gryffindor common room hoping no one was in her dorm so she wouldn't have to explain why she wasn't there the previous night.

She quickly got showered and dressed in her uniform, hoping to get what was left at breakfast making her way out of the common room.


Y/n entered the Great Hall immediately feeling eyes on her. The whole Gryffindor table was staring her. And so was that specific Slytherin group.

Not wanting to face her own house or Nott and the other she made her way towards the Ravenclaw table sitting between Silas and Lucien.

"What brings you to the Ravenclaw table, little sister?" Silas asked taking a bite from his toast.

"Nothing much, just felt like I haven't seen you in forever!" Y/n lied.

"Oh come on, Amethyst there's no need to lie, you came to see me, hm? Not your brother." Lucien laughed placing the palm on his hand gently stroking her cheek.

Upon him doing that, she felt the stares again, from the Gryffindor table, Nott and the others.

"Could you not? Some of us are single and lonely over here!" Eliza exclaimed, who was one of Silas and Lucien's friend.

Lucien and Y/n laughing at her remark, but not pulling away from each other. That was until Lucien's hand was ripped off her.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't touch my girlfriend with your filthy mud blood hands."

Published; July 26, 2021

Insanity | Theodore Nott | UNDER REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now