Siren Voices Part 2

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The picture is the Hermes Cabin.

Grover told you and Belle to sit at the Hermes Table, since you were unclaimed. From what Belle was telling you about Hermes, sitting with somebody from the Hermes Cabin sounded like a bad idea. You didn't have much of a choice so you sat down next to Belle, thankfully the most valuable thing on you was your bracelet that turned into a deadly weapon. You should have no problem with anyone trying to steal it. The guy that was sitting next to you stared in awe, right above your head.

"Welcome y/n, daughter of Apollo," Chiron announced.

"Belle," you whispered. "What are they talking about?"

"You have a flaming Lyre above your head," Belle answered simply and shrugged, like it was no big deal.

"I have some person on fire being a liar on my head," you asked clearly confused.

Breaking her poker face she cracked a smile. "No silly you have the instrument the Lyre on your head. The harp like instrument I was telling you about just before we sat down. You had asked what each of the symbols of the gods were."

You may not have been listening to her, you sort of felt bad. Belle waved goodbye as you went to sit with your new siblings. 

Err half siblings, you corrected.

Most of them were friendly, some were a little stiff at first, but warmed up to you soon enough. You wished Grover was with you, or had your friend Belle piping Greek facts in your ear. You sighed in disappointment and picked at your food. 

"What's wrong?" A girl with light brown hair asked.

"I miss my friends," you confessed.

"Oh, I did too. But I got to see them again. We're just separated when we eat or sleep," the brown haired girl answered. "By the way my name is Krysta."

"Oh I'm y/n," you greeted.

She nodded and asked for a refill on her water. The magical cup filled with what she asked for and she sipped it again.

You tried the same and you filled your cup with (favorite drink) and greedily drank it, parching your slightly sore throat. You had drink a water before you came, but was still dying of thirst from that long tiring run.

You turned your head around looking back at your friend. She tilted her head back in a laugh at what one of the campers had said. You envied her for being able to socialize with ease.

Dinner was over and everyone went to the camp fire. Being the daughter of Apollo you had to sing. You mentally kicked yourself, you hated to sing in front of anyone. Krysta gave you a friendly smile.

After a few minutes Krysta begged you to sing. You shook your head no and kept listening to everyone else having a good time.

A dark brown haired girl walked over to you and smiled, breaking her usual poker face.

"You know everyone else is having a good time, but you," Belle fake pouted. "One song with me. Please y/n!"

You put your hands up in surrender and waited for the next song to start. You drummed your fingers against your thigh. Why did Belle have to talk you into this?

The start of a different song was played and that was your cue. You opened your mouth and started singing with Belle.

You didn't notice, but almost everyone had stopped singing and looked at you and Belle. You were so into the song you didn't even realize it. You stopped singing and everyone looked at you and your friend stunned, as if they couldn't believe what they saw.

"Welcome daughter of Athena, with the blessing of Artemis," Chiron announced and you relaxed that was a glowing owl above Belle's head with a smaller bow notched with an arrow circling it.

Everyone continued staring at you and your best friend.

You finally had the nerve to ask what everyone was staring at. "What are you looking at? All we did was sing and Belle got claimed."

A blonde girl with stormy gray eyes went up to you and put your hand on you shoulder. You decided that you wouldn't just shake it off the friendly gesture.

"You have voices like the Sirens, I've never seen this talent before," the blonde haired girl said taking her hand off your shoulder. "Maybe it's rare for a daughter of Apollo, but I have no explanation for a daughter of Athena having it."

The old centaur looked worried, but only for a split second. That worried you more than your supposed siren like voices.

"Annabeth show Belle her cabin, the campfire is over," Chiron announced. All the campers dispersed and shuffled away to their respected cabin.

"Annabeth wait, bring Belle and I want you to hear it too," the old centaur asked and the stormy gray eyed girl apparently named Annabeth came over with your friends.

"Tomorrow I want to see how these powers affect the campers. Meet me at the Big House tomorrow. Rachel, our oracle will also be there." His faced darkened. "She has something you might want to hear Annabeth will show you it on your way to the cabin."

All of you nodded your heads in agreement and went to your cabins.

You woke up and yawned. You stretched your arms, letting your arms go down in a fan shape. You blinked your eyes open and you saw blue eyes in your face. You yelped and banged your head on the top of your bunk.

"Krysta!" You yelped while rubbing your head and getting out of bed. "Why did you do that?"

Krysta just snickered. "Can't sleep in, breakfast is in five. Hurry up!"

You just growled and put on the Camp Half-Blood tee Krysta gave you the night before along with the pajamas you had on to sleep.

Krysta just smirked. "Early risers get breakfast first. Race ya there slowpoke!"

Both of you touched the door at the same time and you cried in victory "I win!"

"Nope I do," Krysta giggled. "Oh look." Krysta pointed at a Latino boy that was staring at you.

The kid looked away as soon as he knew you saw him. You giggled and then turned red after what Krysta said.

"Ooh," she cooed. "Someone has a crush!"

"I do not," you objected. "Now come on I want to say hi and eat something.

Krysta didn't look giddy to go over to the Latino boy and his blonde friend, but you just rolled your eyes and said, "They can't be that bad."

Krysta's eyes just darted around. "Its not that. It's just that both of them have recently came back from a quest and I've never met them. I don't want them thinking just because they were on a quest I want to be friends with them."

"Don't give me that," you ordered. "I'm the new girl and you're my new friend. Nothing can go wrong."

Krysta mumbled a curse in... Greek? "Fine, but if this goes badly you're toast, literally."

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Nothing let's hurry before Chiron notices," Krysta mumbled, now tugging you along to meet the two.

Hello all my lovely readers! Thank you for 54 reads in like 3 weeks! That's a new personal best :) Sorry this chapter isn't very long, but the next chapter and the chapter after that will definitely be longer. So thanks for the continued support. I'm starting a question of the day. Let's see if anyone can answer it.

What is the last word in "The Blood of Olympus"?

So anyway I hope I see some correct answers. Bye :)

Last Edited July 12, 2015

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