How to glow up mentally 🗣

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✎  cut off Toxic and negative people off of your life, they will just keep coming until you cut them off.

 ✎set yourself reasonable goals, don't set unrealistic goals.

✎ delete old messages, contacts and photos that remind you of bad times.

✎ write all of your thoughts and feelings in a a Journal / Diary. (It will help you process them better 🌟

✎blow balloons, scientifically blowing balloons make you calmer and happier.

✎ meditate and relax. Use motivational apps, calm and headspace are a good choice.

✎just cry everything out at once. 

✎be around good and happy people

✎stay out of smoking and drugs, it's dangerous and un-healthy.

✎always stay positive and try to stay out of negative people.

Extreme  Glow Up + Workout Tips and a little girl talk 👀Where stories live. Discover now