Emotinal rollercoster

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*POV14 year old ken*

I open my eyes and see raw and pure standing in front of me. I try to stand , but my legs give out causing me to fall flat on my face .

"OH freak!" The magenta boy says running to me.


Pure starts laughing and I grunt in announce. Raw hides a smirk and says "that's not funny you royal swine!" Pure looks at me and says. "talk to me when you learn how to walk" raw glares at him and says. "Be nice, he just got back."

I stand up and while scratching my head I say, "Well now I know who and what y'all are , and I understand my 3rd quirk But..."

I stop myself and began to feel bad , but Before I could continue raw says. "but that's were it stops huh?" I nod and he sighs "well at least we have some progress" he says reassuringly.

a few seconds pass in complete silence before I say , "Oh wait I never got to finish the 3rd stage of training."

They both look at me ,then at each other. Raw then says. "Oh ya you align with-"
Before he could finish Pure Says "WAIT! don't you think we should do that after the prestige ?" Raw shrugs then turns to me and asks. "hey , do You prefer good news then bad news or Vice versa?"

"good then bad!"

After hearing my answer , they walk away from each other and Close their eyes. Then they put their hands together Like a prayer. After a few seconds their auras start to expand and explode getting larger and larger until the whole room is dark magenta on one side and rose quartz pink on the other side and I'm right in the middle.

Raw then asks me
"which color is your favorite? My magenta or his pink"

"His Pink , and actually it's rose quartz pink", I say . Suddenly pure's aura grows bigger and Raw says "who's ideals do you believe in more?"

I think for a moment 'humm ? pure is mentality and spirituality and raw is vitality and physical stuff... well I wanna shift so'

"pure!". yet again, pure's aura grows and with large grin and he says. "And finally who do you think you align with the most?" I think for a moment and a realization hits me.

"You two have already done this before which means you already know the result ,don't you!"

Raw scratches the back of his head and says, "yeah he just wanted to mess with you". Pure smiles and starts giggling. He then walks over to me and gets on one knee and says "your my personal peasant" he says grinning

I groan and say. " why can't you be reliable and normal like how you were earlier."

He stares at me in confusion and then says. " you mean six years ago?" I was about to reply but then raw grunts. "we still have one more thing to do remember"

I then say "oh ya! what's the bad news y'all were talking about?"


"So what was the bad news?" I say irritated

Raw and pure give each other a look and snap teleporting a few feet away from me. Now facing the opposite direction , pure says. "We've agreed that it's time for you to take the next step in your life." Before I could ask what that meant they started swirling their auras with each other and it started forming a large blob they then pulled their hands back as if they're about to give the hardest punch they can and let go , sending a wave of life to the large blob.

☢️passed💀☢️U.A.'s VERY OWN NOMU!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora