Chapter 5

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As time passed Y/n watched Karl changed into a man who hatred everything but her. He was violent and cruel towards the towns people the ones Y/n had turned back into humans. She had turned many of them where more humans were left rather than lycans. She sat in the home looking at the ring on her finger. She knew Karl was at a meeting with the other lords and had offered for her to go but she politely declined. That was until there was a call and she got up picking up the phone. "Heisenberg Residence how may I help you?" She asked softly and there was a man on the other line.

"Y/n... it's Ethan! Your husband and the other Lords are trying to kill me" Ethan spoke on the other side of the phone. "Y/n you helped me when I was a baby you kept me healthy you sang me to sleep! I remember I don't know how but I remember! I keep having flashbacks of it please you have to help me they have my daughter mother Miranda took her!" Ethan spoke and Y/n closed her eyes. "I'm going to the house on the hill meet me there" she spoke hanging up the phone. She grabbed a jacket, everything had really modernized besides many townspeople still living in the past, Y/n was dressed for the weather in some pants and a sweater. It was a bit cold for just a sweater so she had put on of her husband's jackets on over her body.

She walked out of the house and walked quickly through the town knowing all of the surviving townspeople were at the house on the hill. There was a tall man outside the house fighting off the lycans but they all backed away when Y/n stepped closer. "Oh Ethan... how you've grown" she cooed softly and he wrapped his arms around her tightly hugging her. "They're crazy they want to kill me They sent these Lycans after me" he explained and Y/n shook her head. "Oh Ethan..." she whispered gently raking her fingers through his hair to provide comfort. She reached into her pocket and pulled a scarf of hers from it and gently tied it around his wrist. "It'll keep the lycans away you have my scent on you they won't attack" she explained softly. "Tell me you married him before he was like this" he asked softly and Y/n laughed softly. She nodded her head slightly and gently took the male's arm walking him away from where the lords usually were. "I'll talk to him about everything with your daughter..." she explained softly and gently rubbed his forearm. "I understand your want to protect your little one. Not many know I'm expecting one soon. Really no one knows" she added and Ethan looked at her.

"Y/n please don't hurt yourself... don't push yourself too far especially with the things I know now. I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you" Ethan spoke softly. "Ethan... I'm immortal just as all these other Lords are... I'm sure I'll be fine I'm more worried about you than anything" she spoke warmly and gently pressed her lips to his forehead. "I can't express how much I've missed you, I cared for you for those months and I loved you as if you were my own... you were the most amazing baby never really cried and slept all night..." she expressed how happy she was to see him. "I would hum the same Lullaby to Rose" he spoke softly and Y/n smiled warmly. "I know only a little about everything but I know Rose is alive but with how magic works here her body was to be split between the four Lords... I will give you the one Heisenberg received to bring you a step closer but... here" she stated and stopped in the middle of the alter site. "The Flasks need to be put here and that's all I know but I promise we'll get your Rosemary back Ethan... mother Miranda wouldn't want to hurt her. So I know she's safe. Yellow rectangular flasks is what you're looking for don't bother looking for an actual baby... be careful my little Ethan" she spoke gently cupping his face looking at him. "There is a man he goes by the Duke he'll help you a lot with getting through the Lords." She spoke and gently placed a bag of Lei in his hands.

"Y/n you'll be a great mother as you were a great mother to me thank you..." he spoke and gently hugged her once more. "I'll see you when you come to the factory my sweet boy" she spoke softly and pulled away from him with a smile. "I'll be watching over you... and those monsters won't hurt you I swear it" she reassured and he nodded walking towards the wagon where a large man came out. "Oh Ethan winters" he chuckles and Y/n knew he was safe. She walked back home expecting to see her husband there.

"My sweet Y/n you wouldn't believe who is back in town" Her husband's voice called from the gates of the factory and Y/n sighed softly. "Ethan..." she stated quietly and he smirked a bit. "Correct I suppose that's where you were... seeing your beloved Ethan?" He spoke in such a mocking tone glaring at her and she scoffed. "If you hurt him Karl Heisenberg I will personally make sure you burn in hell" she stated simply pushing past him and he chuckled a bit to himself. "Oh my sweet wife still feisty as always" he cooed and turned to gently hold her. He pulled her in against his chest and she sighed softly still finding comfort in his touch. "You're ridiculous I hope you know." She spoke softly and he gently swayed with her. "I hope you weren't too cold out there I know it's been colder than normal" he spoke warmly kissing the top of his wife's head. Playfully he used his ability to move metal to lightly bring her left hand into his and gently kissed her knuckles.

"I'm not planning on killing Ethan. The others will try but I won't I want him to help me get rid of Miranda once and for all... I want to get you out of here have a family Y/n I want kids of my own" he cooed softly and Y/n smiled at him. "I know you do love I know but that takes time we've been wanting to get out of here for what twenty years now... the lycans I had turned humans well Miranda got a hold to them again and they're lycans once more I can't say I don't want her gone but she's dangerous. And you can scare Ethan into Submission to help you. I know he wants her dead and if you play your cards right he will help you." She explained to her husband and he nodded his head. "And don't lose your temper! Ethan... he's independent and every much a handful I don't want you becoming so impatient that you act a fool" she added after a moment. "I understand my beautiful wife... you know you've been acting off lately it concerns me" he admitted and she gently kissed his lips. "Don't worry about it Karl you'll figure it all out in good time. After Miranda is killed will you find out form my mouth"

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