"Was she trying to play hard to get?" I asked out loud.

Sighing I ran my hand over my face and got up. I still had half a box of pizza left so I threw it in the fridge and headed to the shower. Maybe a nice cold shower will do the trick. I need to get this girl off my mind.  

        Forty minutes, a cold shower, and some clean pajamas later I was sitting on my bed with my laptop researching Alexandria Pain. I seriously couldn't find a thing on her, not through just using google search. She has no facebook, no twitter, no instagram, hell I even tried searching through tumblr and I couldn't find this girl. It's like she appeared out of nowhere. 

Sighing I set aside my laptop and laid down. This little witch is going to be the death of me. I rolled over trying to sleep and get her out of my head.


Rolling over I limply hit my alarm.Shit I didn't get a very good night's sleep. I having little flashbacks from that scene in my office with alexandria. I had this feeling all night. Everytime I remebered the little scene I felt worse and worse about the way I handled that yesterday. 

How could in the matter of less than twenty four hours I go from hating this girl to feeling guilty about the way I treated her. Getting up I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

        I'm not much of a cook so a bowl of cereal and some coffee was good enough for me. Sometimes I miss my mothers cooking. She use to always cook amazing breakfasts. My favorite thing she use to cook were chocolate pancakes, lord did she make good pancakes. She use to make eggs and bacon in the mornings as well.

        Once the mug and bowl were in the sink I got dressed and headed to work. Still anxious about what happened yesterday. I can't get yesterday out of my head. Damnit why is this happening to me? Me, William Xavier, The richest bachelor in New York who has women falling all over him, and yet I can't get some random woman out of my head.

        Once noon rolled around I decided to take a walk to try and clear my head. I haven't been able to pay attention to anything so far today, and I really needed to fix that. I can't start lagging behind now. 

        Walking down the sidewalk people made sure not to get in my way. It's the sort of thing I'm use to by now, theres something about me that just makes people respect me, people don't bump into me, people don't curse me or honk at me, hell people apologize if I cut the off in line or on the streets. Walking around not really sure where I was going I happened to see a restaurant with a name I couldn't quite recognize, Cisco's diner. 

        I wondered in not sue why, I just felt the need to. It was a nice little diner. I was greeted by an older lady in her 50's in black pants and a white shirt. The lady smiled and sat me down at an empty booth. The diner was pretty busy supringsly but it was still really nice. The floor tiles were black and white, the booths were read the bar was aluminum, it look like a 50's diner out of a movie. Suddenly a waitress came to my table. She was wearing black pants and a white shirt, she had brown hair and brown eyes. The moment I saw her clothes and hair though something clicked. Ciscos diner is where Alexandria worked. Shit this was just my luck. I did get an idea though.

"Can I get you anything to drink, sir?" She looked at my batting her eyelashes repeatedly.

"Actually no. I was wondering if a woman named Alexandria Pain is working today?"

"Uh no I don' t think Alex is working today." She pouted at me looking under her eyelashes.

Shit. Okay.

"Do you think I could speak with your manager?"

"Uhh sure, sir. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just would like to speak with your manager."

Two minutes later, she came back with an older man with a name tag with the name 'Frank'.

"What can I do for you sir?"

"Sit down if you will." I motioned to the other half of the booth.

He looked at me questioning but shooed the girl away and sat down anyway.

"Okay, I've sat down. What can I do for you?"

"Your emplyee, Alexandria Pain."

"Ah yes Alex, she was just recently in an accident so I gave her the week off. Is everything okay with her?"

"Well "Frank" I'm actually the owner of the car that hit her."

"Oh....." He raised an eyebrow suprised.

"I was wondering if I could possibly get some information about her, I'd like to make sure she's okay." I lied smoothly staring him in the eyes.

"Depending on the information, I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem."

"Well I was wondering if you knew anything about her, maybe about her past? I tried to find some information on her to make sure she could afford any medication she may need coming out of the accident, I couldn't find any information at all, nothing."

"Oh well that''s Alex for you. She mostly keeps to herself, though she's a sweet little thing. She takes care of anyone and everyone she can. This is her only job that I know of, so she probably is a little tight on cash. I know she takes care of her landladies grandmother in exchange for lower rent."

"How long has she been working here?"

"About three years ago."

"She was pretty young then wasn't she." 

"Well she's got a little girl she's got  to provide for, so she started working as soon as possible. Plus she was eighteen so not that young." I could see he was starting to get curious with all my questions.

"Okay one more question and I'll be leaving. Do you think you could tell me her address."

His whole persona completly changed.

"Now Mr. Xavier I don't think it'd be very appropriate of me to hand out my employees home addresses, even to the person that hit her with a car." Shit he knows who I am.

"I didn't mean to come off as disrespectful or anything. I just want to stop by and make sure she's okay."

"She''ll be back in monday, you can check on her then." I sighed I wasn't getting anywhere with him now.

"If it helps anything I talked to her on the phone a few days ago. She's okay, a little bruised up but she'll be fine." he looked at me getting up and walked away.

I slumped a little I knew she was okay. I don't even know why I wanted to know where she lived. What would I even do with that information. I couldn't just show up at her house and be like 'hey even though I hit you with my car, and forced myself on you, wanna sit down a talk for a few because I can't seem to get you out of my head' that wouldn't be strange at all.

I got up about to walk out when the little waitress from before walked up to me handing me a piece of paper. I looked at her curiosly and she just got up really close to my ear whispering,

"I overheard what you and Frank where talking about, here's her cellphone number and her address. Be careful if you go to her apartment. The buildings practically falling down."

She blew on my ear and then walked away throwing a wink behind her.

I left the diner a little suprised that I had the little witch's address and number. Now that I have this..........what am I going to do with it?


Thanks for reading guys sorry it's been so long. I didn't realize people were even reading it actually. Sorry about all the misspellings and the grammatical errors. I'm no english major.

Thanks, any comments and advice is great.

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