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Hey guys it's Flare and this is a oneshot me and RL wrote together. Literally. We wrote this at the same time. So be warned, this is comepletely random and has nothing to do with anything in the world. Whatsoever. BAI and be warned!!! <3


Your name is Ronald McDonald, and boy, are you lovin’ it. Haha, fooled you! Your actual name is April Mitchell and one of your favorite pastimes is watching anime while drinking orange juice. You also enjoy gaming and cosplay, with a current Feferi Peixes costume in the works.

You enjoy reading books that you don’t understand in the slightest but make you look smart. Wait, is that a… smutty fanfic on your laptop? What? No, of course not. What are you talking about. You are an active Wattpad member and you love writing fanfics about your OTP’s, which may or may not include yourself x Ash Ketchum. Your most recent and proudest story would have to be the third entry in your Merstuck Dirkjake series. Sure, only four people have read it, but hey, you’re starting.

After a very eventful day of shipping, you realize that there were supposed to be new neighbours moving in beside you, and you figure it would be good to greet them. You get up, stretching your legs and brushing your blonde hair in an attempt to look decent. After that, you throw on your Feferi Peixes wig because your hair tends to be insane, and head out the door.

You knock on the door, and are almost instantly greeted with a face all too familiar.

“Hey there! I’m Ash Ketchum!” Says a ten year old boy. You see, when you first saw him, you were excited. It took you a few moments to remember that he doesn’t age. You then proceeded to slam the door, run away crying, buy ten buckets [oh my~RL] of mint chocolate chip ice cream, and eat it all day because your ships can never become canon.

                     THE END  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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