After the story

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There are two books in working on.
Dear God and to the unknown.
Thanks for reading. I know that some of you may not get the end of the story so I'm going to try and explain it to you. The write is the girl in the present. The one dealing with the problems.
While the read is the person the girl wants to be. The one she is striving to be. She's helping herself because sometimes even though you know what you should say to yourself, sometimes we don't listen to that voice in our head. We look for someone else to help us when really we already know what they will say.
That's what this book is. I can give my friends good things to use whenever they need help, but for some reason I can't do it for myself. At least till now.
I hoped I cleared up a few things for you guys.
Thanks for reading. See you in the next book. Bye.

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