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Dear Reader,
I haven't cut since he left me because I now know that pain that comes with cutting. The pain that I have to live with everyday. When I look at him, my family or my old friends. My grandparents. My aunts and uncles. I deal with the pain that is 100x worse then any peace of glass can do.
Dear Reader, you don't know what it's like or how hard it is to say sorry for that. But the worst part is when they through away the note that tells them everything.
Dear Reader, it's to pain full and then my brother on top of that knife that keeps getting twisted. The knife that I can't pull out. You can live with the pain but every time that someone who used to/does love you turns it the pain comes back 10 fold.
Dear Reader, it's to much for one person. I have no idea how people can take it.
The Writer

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