Chapter 1: On Your Left

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"Honey?" Steve's voice whispered into his sleeping girlfriend's ear. He had tenderly brushed her newly blonde locks away from the side of her face, wanting to gaze upon her beautiful face for as long as he possibly could. "Nel?" He tried again, gently shaking her shoulder to wake her from her deep sleep.

Nellie's eyelids fluttered open, darkness flooding in as she tried to make sense of what was happening. "Hmm?" She hummed as she closed her eyes again, turning from her side and onto her back, a need to stretch rolling through her body. Her first thought was there was a new mission that required attention, but Steve's actions were not urgent enough for that.

Their room was still cloaked in the darkness of the night, through the gap in their venetian blinds the sky in the distance was starting to lighten from an inky spill into a blanket of royal blue. Steve had dressed into his running gear, wanting to start the day with a work out after having gone without one for over a week. Nellie liked to lay in, preferring to exercise in the evenings instead.

"I'm on my way out." Steve said quietly as her leant over her, admiring the innocent beauty of her half conscious face as she tried her best to listen to him. He watched as her eyebrows became pushed together in a soft and confused frown, her lips in a swollen pout. "I'm just going for a run." The muscular blonde added, answering the question he knew she was likely to ask.

Nellie, who had been quite out of it until that moment, groaned heavily, her right hand reaching out for the pillow that Steve should have been resting his head upon. Steve watched her curiously, a little confused by her movements until suddenly realisation dawned upon him, his reflexes a little too slow.

She had grasped the pillow tightly in her hand and swung it with outstanding precision right at Steve's face, her eyes having remained closed throughout the whole assault. "You woke me for that!" She moaned quietly, rolling onto her side again to face the middle of the bed and away from Steve's body, the pillow dropping to their carpeted floor with a light thud.

"Hey!" Steve complained lightheartedly, leaning further across the bed to roll her back towards him, his cool hand shooting under the covers to take hold of her exposed hip, her body bare under the duvet.

Nellie smiled as his fingers grazed over her body, his action requiring very little strength as she rested upon her back again, her eyes flickering open to playfully glare at Steve. "You didn't have to wake me to tell me you were going out." She grumbled, blinking quickly as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, her heart quickening at the sight of Steve leaning over her, a breathtaking toothy smile on his face.

"If you woke up and I wasn't here, tell me that you wouldn't panic and call me at least five times." Steve countered, a pointed look on his face as he eyed Nellie, his eyes helplessly darting from her face and down to her exposed breasts now that the duvet had slipped to her waist.

Nellie narrowed her eyes again, a smirk playing on her lips. "I would do no such thing." She protested, folding her arms across her chest with fake defensiveness. In reality he was utterly and completely correct, but she wouldn't tell him that.

Steve knew he was right and he knew she would not admit it. "Is that so?" He raised an eyebrow at her teasingly, slyly kicking his sneakers off of his feet.

"Yes!" Nellie nodded her head sassily, her bangs twitching around her forehead with the jerking movement. "I don't need you. I can look after myself." She clarified defiantly watching as Steve slowly began to turn his body towards her fully, shifting himself further onto the bed.

"Uh huh!" He teased as he began to leisurely crawl towards her, a certain glint in his eyes that had Nellie almost folding under his gaze.

Nellie raised an eyebrow at his movements as he manoeuvred himself over her body, his thighs now on either side of her hips. "I can!" Slightly distracted by his movements, Nellie's response was delayed as share stared up at him, her arms that were folded over her chest had loosened.

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