Risky Escape

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Izuku POV:

"Shoto you stupid peppermint! Why did you step on the glass numbskull?!" Kacchan said while we were running down the stairs after Shochan stepped on broken glass that echoed throughout the hallway, it caught the thugs attention and we are currently in pursuit! "Shocchan, I must admit that was pretty stupid but can't you use your ice to make a wall in the stairs to stop them?" I asked him while panting and he thought it through and paused in the middle of the stairs. His right foot started freezing some parts of the stairs and created a wall of ice that was a few steps above them.

"There, now let's go!" Shochan said as the thugs reached the stairs and were blocked by the ice wall. We almost reached the bottom floor until out path was blocked when a spike shot the ceiling above and it fell down on the stairs. Luckily none of us were crushed but unluckily, one of the thugs started punching the ice wall trying to break it. 'He must have a strength enhancing quirk since the ice wall is pretty thick and he's breaking it like it is nothing!' I mentally scream at myself as they are almost gaining on us.

"Step back idiots!" Kacchan warned us as he placed his palms on the fallen debris and stone on our path and shouted "DIE!" as he exploded them to bits and pieces. Our path was clear now. We were lucky since the guy just broke the ice wall behind us after Kacchan exploded the fallen ceiling in front of us. We dashed again trying to find the exit of the abandoned building. It was like a maze of turns and corners trying to find the stupid exit. The thugs were still behind us as we kept running and running.

One even shot a spike at us that almost Shochan and one punched the ground causing it to shake and made us fall to the ground. Luckily with my new found abilities, my palms slit open and created a blood orb that I soon shaped into 4 inch blood shards and fired at them that gave us time to get up and escape. I heard grunting as I saw some of the shards punctured their bodies but I didn't see them being punctured at vital spots so I guess they'll be okay, right? Let's just hope so.

Soon we were met with a dead end and the thugs were still on our tail. Kacchan then pulled both me and Shochan's hands to a nearby door to hide. "Half n half! Freeze the fucking door so that they can't get in!" Kacchan said as Shochan nodded and did as he was told. He froze the door shut and we were safe but also trap for the meantime. We heard approaching footsteps but kept quiet to not alert them and of our location. We all sighed in relief when their footsteps and angry voices became distant from where we were.

"All right, we need to find another exit." I said to them as I started searching in the room for one. "Shit! Did we fucking bring our bags?!" Kacchan exclaimed as we all realized that we didn't. "Oh shit." Shochan said with a deadpan expression as we all realized we didn't brought our bags! You might ask why panic about the bags, well this is because the money that we withdrew from the atm that would last us for weeks and the credit cards that we used were in the said bags! So that is why we are currently panicking right now!

This is so stupid of us, forgetting the valuable things that we should always brought with us at all times since we ran away. I kept smacking my forehead over and over again and the others did the same. "The fuck are we going to do now?! Are fucking cash stacks were in those bags!" Kacchan said panicking and we did as well. "We can't just go out since those guys are out their and we don't know the way back to that room." Shochan added making us even more panicked than we already were.

"Okay, okay calm down everyone. From what I've seen those thugs quirk include strength enhancement and one that could make spikes in their bodies and throw it at us. The other is still unknown so we need to still be wary. We just need to find a way to get back up the second floor from here without alerting them." I said in a calm voice to let out panicked minds calm down. "How about we just pop a hole into the ceiling from here and climb on up?" Shochan suggested and we looked up to see that the ceiling was stable enough that it won't come crashing down on us.

The Shadow TriadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora