End of summer term

Start from the beginning

A touch of eye shadow, eye liner, mascara and lip gloss, was all the make-up that Erin needed. A pair of silver celtic-knot earrings dangling from her ears and she was just about ready.

Erin stepped into a pair of gold strappy sandals, which had a heel that mum thought that was just higher than a thirteen year-old should be wearing, but as Erin looked back in the mirror, she knew they were just perfect. Grasping her gold clutch bag, she put the long strap over her shoulder and she was ready to go.

As she made her way down the stairs, she realised that while fine on the level, her heels were a bit of a challenge on the stairs. Walking genteelly into the living room, mum looked at her approvingly, saying, " You look pretty. That dress is just perfect, but I still think the heels are a bit high."

Fifteen minutes later and the doorbell rang. Knowing that it could be Angus for Erin or Alan for Lauren, mum got up and went to the door. Opening it, mum saw Angus standing there, looking like the handsome young man that he was.

Ushering him in, mum led him through to the living room, where both girls were waiting patiently for their dates. Erin stood up and looked him over approvingly. Angus was almost frozen on the spot as he watched Erin walk towards him, his eyes transfixed on the motion of the skirt of Erin's dress swishing with her every movement.

Approaching Angus, Erin noticed that with her heels on, she didn't need to tilt her head back and raise herself on her toes like she usually did to give him a kiss. This time she just tilted her head slightly to the left and gave him a smacker on the lips.

As they broke from their embrace, Angus said, "Our chauffeur awaits, fair lady", as he offered his arm.

Erin put her arm through his, and made their way to the door. As they approached the car, Angus's dad stepped out, opened the door and guided her in, before repeating the process for Angus on the other side. As they drove to school conversation was muted as they held hands and looked into each other's eyes - words were not necessary.

At the school, cars were unusually being allowed up to the main door and as the car stopped Angus's dad repeated his chauffeur duties to give the perfect ambience. As he got back into the driver's seat, Angus's dad watched Angus and Erin elegantly climb the stairs into the dance. They looked the perfect couple and he thought that it was reminiscent of watching celebrities congregating for the Oscars.

As they entered the hall, the scene was repeated. As they made their way down the hall, there was a noticeable drop in volume as everyone paused and moved aside to look at what was the celerity couple. At the far end of the hall Angus and Erin saw the usual crowd, with one marked addition - for there was Gillian Jenkins. Dressed up to the nines, she wore in a little black dress and had her hair up in an bun with fresh flowers clipped through it.

Erin rushed up to her and gave her a big hug, before standing back and saying, "You look fab-u-lous - love the dress, by the way!"

Jill replied, "Thanks. I thought I couldn't go wrong with a little black dress."

Erin: "You certainly got that right. Simple, elegant, and that hairstyle who did that its an inspiration."

Jill: "The salon at the top of the High Street - I asked for something really special for the dance and unknown to me, the stylist sent the trainee down the road to the florist. I didn't get to see it until it was finished and when I saw she had clipped in a posy of fresh flowers I cried. It was beyond my wildest dreams."

As the dancing slowly started to gain momentum, Erin who was naturally dancing with Angus, whispered (rather loudly over the music) in his ear, "Are you going to ask Jill for a dance?"

Angus nodded and said, "I was wondering about that, but have you seen the way Ray is looking at her? I think he's building up the courage to ask her. But if I'm wrong, when there's a slow dance, I'll take her for a spin!"

As the next song started, Erin and Angus left the floor to get a drink. They took a seat at the side of the hall and watched the dancing, which they found quite amusing. There were all sorts, from the natural dancers to the uncomfortable, and even a few candidates worthy of future 'dad dancing' championships! As that song ended, the DJ, well Mr Jacobs the physics teacher, announced that there would be a ten minute refreshment break, before the Scottish dancing. There were groans from around the hall, as most kids had never been to a ceilidh (pronounced 'kay-ly)

Erin turned to Angus and said, "We timed that just right, look at the queue for drinks!"

Angus smiled back and replied, "Yes - that's us, always setting the trend!"

Once everybody had had a drink, Mr Jacobs announced, "Ladies and Gentlemen, girls and boys, please take you partner for a Barn Dance."

Erin turned to Angus and said, " This would be a good chance to ask Jill."

Angus nodded and found Jill. Approaching her from behind, and tapped her on the shoulder. "Gillian may I have this dance?"

Jill looked a little startled as she said, "I'd love to."

Leading her onto the floor, they joined the procession that the teachers were orchestrating; a ring of couples facing anticlockwise round the hall, boys on the inside, girls on the outside.

As the music started, Mr Jacobs started calling out the moves to the beat of the music; "Three steps forward. Hop; Three steps back, Hop; Two step away from your partner. Clap; Two steps back to your partner. Clap; Take your partner by the waist - chasse sideways, two steps left - THAT's THE BOYSLEFT! and chasse back; Ballroom hold and step-hop round the hall." He kept the commentary going until he was sure that most dancer were doing as they should. Then after a few more cycles of the dance, he announced, "On the next clap - boys advance forward to the partner in front - Girls slide back to the partner behind. . ." For a moment there was mild chaos as everyone worked out exactly what was happening. Angus said goodbye to Jill as he advanced to partner Beth, leaving Jill to partner with David.

As the dance progressed everyone was really getting into the swing of things and enjoying dancing with new partners. This was especially true for Jill, who had danced more in that one, admittedly long dance, than she had during all the previous dances, and for the rest of the evening was never short of a partner.

As the evening was drawing to its conclusion, the tempo of the music was easing and there dancing turned to slow, embracing, shuffling. As Angus wrapped his arms around Erin's waist and held her close, he couldn't stop himself from letting his hands slip down and embrace her bottom.

Erin didn't resist. Indeed, she encouraged it, as she gently slid his hands on to the sides of her butt cheeks.

At first Angus felt a little bit miffed, as he felt a little deprived of being able to grasp the full buttocks. But dejection soon turned to elation as they shuffled from side to side and he felt the silky satin of her dress slide over her equally smooth underwear. Angus was undoubtedly a very tactile young man, and when he realised that his hands were strategically place over a suspender belt, he was sure that he had just discovered the 'orgasmatron'.

They continued to dance close together, for both were well aware that it might have been embarrassing for Angus, it they broke hold until he had calmed down.

All too soon, the dance drew to a close, but nobody seemed in a hurry to leave as the all chatted in their groups, planning what to do over the holidays. It wasn't too long before the teachers started to hurry the process along, by gently ushering them towards the door.

Angus's chauffeur was waiting near the gates and dutifully opened the doors for the young couple. Erin carefully gathered her dress and sat in, before swinging her legs in. As she slid across the back seat, Angus got in beside her and quietly held her hand. There wasn't much conversation on the way back either, there simply wasn't any need - their eyes said it all.

As Angus's dad brought the car to a halt outside Erin's house, Angus got out and helped Erin. Walking her up the drive, they were grateful for the high hedge between the garden and the road, which gave them enough privacy to enjoy a more personal good night.

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