Eric looked at her with a touch of shock in his expression and said, "I hadn't thought about skirts. That's a scary thought!"

Lauren has a wry smile as replied, "Give it time!", before going into her bottom drawer and taking out two pairs of jeans. The first pair was just an ordinary pair of jeans, albeit with a high waistband – the other were similar but with a ruched waistband. "Let's see how these fit?", she said holding up the jeans with the standard waistband.

Eric sat on the bed and started pulling them over his feet and ankles. His first observation was that they're a lot closer fitting than anything he'd ever worn before and consequently quite fiddly to get on. As he stood up to pull them over his bum and up to his waist, he couldn't but notice how different they were compared to his old jeans. He buttoned the waistband and pulled up the zip to find they were a close but perfect fit.

Lauren said, "Turn around and let me see?"

Eric obliged, while Lauren looked on. Suddenly she said, "OMG – those fit you better that they ever fitted me! You're really quite big hipped already. You've concealed it well, up 'til now."

Eric blushed, not sure how to reply to that. After a small, but awkward pause he said, "Thanks – I think– they're really comfortable, but they are neat fit!"

Lauren replied with, "Then they're a perfect compliment to the CPs!", before going back the her chest of drawers. Delving into the second drawer and pulling out a multi-coloured top, a close-knit turtle-neck long-sleeved with three colours horizontally alternating through black, blue and green, with the stripes of different sizes.

As Eric pulled the top over his head and down his body, he realised that it was stretchy and close fitting, emphasising his two little bumps and slender waist. That coupled with the flat front to the fitted jeans meant that as Eric looked in the mirror there was a definitely feminine body with his head on top. With his eyes just about popping out of his head, he uttered, "I've been in denial, haven't I? I sort of knew it was happening but thought it would go away by itself - I never had the courage to look at it head on."

Lauren: "You look great but we need to do something with your hair."

Lauren led Eric into the bathroom and started to wash and condition his hair. After toweling it dry, she applied straightening cream and brushed it out as she blow-dried it at a low heat.

Eric just sat there in front of the mirror, watching in awe, as his wavy hair got straighter and straighter and apparently longer too – but of course this was just an illusion.

Finishing off, Lauren brushed his hair back and put it in a ponytail, holding it back with a green scrunchie. She then put her head down next to his and as they looked in the mirror she said, "What do you think little sister?"

Eric replied, "We really are like two peas in a pod – I'm struggling to work out which twin one is me and which one is you?", with a smirk on his face.

"Identical twins!", she said, ".. . that gives me an Idea. . ."

Eric: "Are you going to tell me what it is?"

Lauren: "Well. . . I guess I have to, or it's not going to work. Let's play a prank on mum and see how long it takes her to work it out. But before we do that, what are we going to call you now? Eric isn't going to work, looking like that."

Eric: "I'm still me, but you're right – if I'm going to take this seriously, I need a feminine name."

Lauren: "What about Erica, that's an easy fix."

Eric: "I'm not sure – it seems a bit of a cop-out, and besides I'm not sure that I can see myself as an Erica. . . What about Erin – only one letter changed, but at the same time quite different?"

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