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The arrangement was quite simple. Those who were paired began living together in government housing. If they were deemed incompatible or no longer wished to be together, they dissolved the union, then they would be rematched.

Roxanne sat up in the bed, looking out of the window. The housing was spacious, and every room had a lock on it.

She sighed. She half expected to be brutalized honestly. But Anith was kind. He could be a bit dense, but it was just the cultural difference.

Of course, she didn't presume to know him. You never really knew someone.

There was a knock at the door. Roxanne got up, taking a knife she'd stolen from the kitchen.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"It is Anith. I am the only other occupant of this place,"

She opened the door. "It's early."

"The sun has risen. You have scarce animals on the land, did you know that?"

She raised a brow. "Huh?"

She took in his attire. He had no shirt on, wearing loose pants.

"I went to hunt for food. I was able to cook something up. However, it is mostly vegetation."

She blinked. "I'm confused. What did you do?"

"I hunted for food. I have a large mammal-"

"Hunted?! Why didn't you just go to the store!"

He blinked. "As you stated, the food on Earth is subpar as it is. I thought you might get more nutrition from wild game."

She shifted. "Uh...thanks. But I'm pretty picky."

He cocked his head. "Yes, you pick."

"No..." she sighed. "I mean, I really only eat what I'm used to."

He blinked. "I see...but you will not have what you're used to once you leave earth."

She pursed her lips. "I guess that's true."

He stepped aside his large frame blocking the door. He walked toward the kitchen.

She inhaled. "It smells good, actually. What is it?"

He opened his mouth.

"Actually," she held her hand up. "I don't think I want to know."

She glanced at the table. It certainly was a spread. Everything looked good. There was meat and some vegetables. Berries.

She sighed. "This must've taken forever to even find let alone cook. When did you do this?"

Anith shifted. "I went to hunt last night and began preparations for the first meal. I hadn't realized there was no adequate food."

She sat down at the table. "Thank you. You didn't have to do this."

Anith smiled. "Of course I do. You require food, and it is my duty to provide for you, until and unless you deem us no longer compatible."

She blinked. "There's a store."

He blinked back. "I do not use human currency. I do not require anyone to locate, hunt, prepare, or cook for me. And so, neither do you. Unless you wish to."

She tried the food calmly. He sat down, awkwardly, using the utensils she did.

"It's good. Thank you," she said.

"You thank me too often. It is my duty," he said simply, copying her movements.

"You say duty too often," she shot back.

He glanced up smiling. He sat back as she ate, taking note of what she liked and what she didn't like.

"I have work to do," he said after a while. She looked up.


"Yes prior responsibilities, to my people. It will take me quite a while. Do you require anything?"

She shook her head. "Got a TV. I can go to the store-"

His eye twitched. She set her form down. "Okay."

"Okay, what?" He asked.

"You don't seem to like the store."

He sighed. "In our society, the only people who have things provided to them, are those who are unable to get things themselves."

She blinked. "It's just more convenient."

"There are many things that are convenient. Convenience is not my goal." He glanced away. "It is a sign of weakness, not providing with your own hands."

She raised her brow. "If you like it, I love it. Do you need me to do anything?"

He looked at her. He'd seen humans before of course. But they were all different. He found himself thankful he was paired with Roxanne.

She was beautiful. He kept looking at her. She really was beautiful. He looked away.

"You are a creator. The labor you do is enough."

"Yeah, I'm not popping out babies right now. I can do something to help. That or we go to the store. It feels icky, you doing everything, while I do nothing."

Anith stood. "Does your father not take care of you?"

"What does my dad have to do with this? I'm grown?"

"I just mean..." he sighed, "I just mean, my duty is to take care of your needs."

She rolled her eyes standing as well. He grabbed the dishes quietly, as she followed.

"You and your duty," she murmured.

"I apologize if the phrase irritates you. However, when you have to do something," he grabbed the plates from her hand, "It means I am unable to. And I am able."

She sighed. "Partnerships should be 50-50 right?"

She tried to take a plate from his arms, as he held his hand up, gently stopping her. "You said you don't have time to dance,"

She struggled against his stationary hand, trying to reach around him.

"Yeah..." she grunted. "So?"

He leaned down.

His eyes were beautiful. "You plan to leave earth, correct?"

"Yes..." she whispered.

"Then you should get used to this. Because no Iohiran man worth anything will allow you to do menial tasks. You should enjoy yourself."

He stood up straight. "You're a very attractive human," he remarked, putting the dishes in the sink.

She smiled. "Thanks. You're an attractive...Iohirian."

He grinned, his back to her. "I am glad you think so. I think I will enjoy these two years with you."

Roxanne reached out as his muscles rippled as he washed dishes.

"There's a dishwasher," she whispered. He paused, glancing back at her fiercely.

"You should eat more," he just murmured, turning back around.

• • •

I am reuploading this story, but it will be updated twice a week on Patreon and once a week here. 😊

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