chapter one: if i met sebby

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Sebastian sat in front of me. "So how do I act like a butler?" I ask while mocking his posture and serious face. "Whel first off you need to know your master's likes and dislikes." "THAT'S EASY! " I exclaimed. "My master likes it when we text each other,she likes her cat,uh....,she likes it when we sing Killer. She doesn't like it when we are doing the mile and I run faster than her,tho. And when I sing. And sometimes when I talk. And when I don't let her do something. " I explained. "Well first off you have to do everything your master says and don't tell them orders." He said."Ily Sebby but LOL NOPE I AIN'T GUNNA DO DAT." I said as I wiggle away. Sebby has a poker face: •-• .

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