"I don't think it worked, grandpa." Penny said.

"Maybe I mixed up the paracetamol with the ibuprofen..." Dr Crygor said.

"Is there any cure that doesn't involve blinding me with science?" Wario asked.

"You could always try ice cream!" Dr Crygor said.

"I still can't believe they gave you your own flavour!" Mike said, holding up a pint of Dr Crygorange Pineapple.

"I hate all these so-called cures!" Wario shouted as Dr Crygor, Penny, and Mike left. "Why if I was a dentist, I-" he stopped mid-sentence. "That's it!"


The next day, Wario announced his new plan at work. "We're starting our own dental clinic!" he said, "That way: I'll be able to cure myself and make money off of other chumps who have cavities! 9 out of 10 dentists agree!"

"Whatever happened to the 10th dentist?" Jimmy asked.

"You don't want to know," Ashley said.

"Well," Wario said, "if we all work together (except me), we'll send Dr Payne out of business!"

"I guess now I'll have an excuse to try out my new toothpaste!" Dr Crygor said, "It's scientifically proven to be 10 times better than the leading brand!"

"If it's 10 times better than the leading brand, why isn't it the leading brand?" Mike asked.

"I guess we need to redo some calculations..." Penny said.


The next day, Wario finally opened up his dental clinic. Everyone else was checking the place out.

"We finally have some muzak in the waiting room!" Wario said, "It's guaranteed to get stuck in their heads and get on their nerves!"

"I brought some magazines!" Five Volt said, holding stacks of Nintendo Power.

"Who's going to read that?" Wario asked, "You can just look up solutions online, and it was discontinued in 2012!"

Meanwhile: a man sat in his living room. "Oh no!" he shouted, "I have cavities, my Internet is down, and I can't figure out the code to get past chapter 4 of StarTropics! What will I do?"

Dribble and Spitz looked at the tools.
"Wow!" Dribble said, "'Dere's a lotta tools here."

"I know!" Spitz said, "It's like an alien ship!"

"So what're we supposed to do?" Dribble asked, "We just shove 'dis drill in 'deir mouths?" He shoved a drill in Spitz's mouth and turned it on.

"Ahh!" Spitz screamed, "Maybe we should stick to driving!"

Nine Volt and Eighteen Volt looked at the x-ray machine.

"Cool!" Nine Volt said, "We can see the insides of our mouths!"

"Let's try doing other body parts!" Eighteen Volt said, sticking his arm in the machine. An x-ray of his arm came out. "Whoah!" he shouted, "It works!"

Orbulon walked in. "You found the medical projectional radiography generator and detector! Let me try!"

He got in the machine. Nine Volt and Eighteen Volt looked at the x-ray.

"Ahh!" they screamed.

"Is that a normal number of bones?" Nine Volt asked.

Warioware: The Tooth HurtsWhere stories live. Discover now