91- :( movie

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Tony was doing some work in the lab when there was a sudden blood-curdling scream. 

a scream coming from Peter's room. 

Tony ran as fast as he could to Peter's room where he threw open the room, only to see a bawling Peter surrounded by blankets and tissues. 

"WHY DID SHE DO IT!?!" he screamed, wiping the tears flooding from his eyes.



Peter ignored him, eyes on the screen. 

"kid, are you-"

"NO!" he screamed, slamming his hand down on the table, startling Tony. "HOW DARE YOU YOU BITCH. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!"

Tony was stunned, confused about what to do. 

his dad instincts were telling him to go check on Peter, but in all honesty, he was scared to. 

the kid was so deranged and emotional. 

"uh... do you... need anything?" 

Peter didn't reply, he just continued crying at the movie Infront of him

"uh- I'm just gonna-" Tony quickly closed the door to Peter's room and speed-walked away, making a note to soundproof his room


"Hey, have you seen Peter? he told me he'd help me with my phone a week or so ago," Steve asked Tony who was drinking his coffee.

"probably watching a movie," 

"oh, then when will he finish it?"

Tony shrugged. 

"he's been on a marathon for like 2 days now. I'm kinda concerned actually," 

"ok, well it's just a little question, I'll go ask him real quick," Steve said, already walking towards Peter's room. 

"I wouldn't suggest that," Tony replied, taking another sip of his coffee. 


"Well, he's a little bit... psycho? I guess," 

"oh don't be dramatic Tony, your dad mind is making you crazy,"

Tony scoffed. 

"don't say I didn't warn you," 


Steve walked to Peter's room, and after he heard nothing in response to his knock, he opened the door, only to have his eardrums burst and eyes widen at the sight of Peter's room and the sounds of his screams and cries. 


"Peter, you-" 

Steve's words were almost inaudible against Peter's cries 


he was frozen, unsure what to do when the door suddenly shut in front of him. 

"The door has been open for longer than 7 seconds. tantrum protocol activated," 

Steve chuckled, still recovering from what he had seen and saw.

"tantrum protocol. Tony really does go out of his way to condescend to this kid," 


Peter walked into the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket, eyes puffy and still sniffling. 

"Hey kiddo, how are you?" Tony asked, concerned at the kid's appearance. 

"terrible. Felisha died," Peter responded, his voice extremely hoarse.

"Woah, you sound horrible, here," Tony said, his dad concern reaching an all-time high as he handed Peter a bottle of water. 

Peter took it back and started coughing. 

"God I'm so tired," he said, his voice still hoarse. 

"did you sleep at all?" 

Peter shook his head


"Jesus, you were in that room for 3 days, you didn't sleep that whole time?" 

Peter shook his head with a yawn as he grabbed one of the bananas on the counter 

"you need to go to bed, you look and sound horrible," 

"yeah," Peter murmured, grabbing another water bottle, "I finished all the movies anyway," 

Peter yawned again as he walked to his room, Tony ruffling his hair on the way. 


when Peter fell asleep Tony carefully walked into his room, grabbing his computer to make sure he didn't try to watch more movies. 

'god this kid,' Tony thought shaking his head as he closed the door on his way out. 

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