83- cure for boredom

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Peter let out a breath, staring up at the ceiling. 

he was bored as hell, but he couldn't do anything. 

Tony took all his electronics, Clint and Steve got rid of everything he could possibly use to escape, and FRIDAY had locked all the doors to his room.

after the two times Peter managed to escape his room when he was sick, Tony went full strict dad mode, and completely locked Peter up in his room. 

at this point Peter didn't even want to go to school, he just wanted entertainment, and he had a good idea how to get that. 

"Hey, Mr.Barnes! Mr.Wilson!" he yelled. 

"Mr.Barnes! Mr.Wilson!"

he yelled their names for a good two minutes before he finally heard a, "Jesus, we're here, what do you want?" from the outside of his room.

they (and everyone else) weren't allowed to open Peter's door, and it physically wasn't possible due to FRIDAY's locks. 

"how's your day going," Peter asked.


"your day. how's it going," 

"you screamed our names for 2 minutes just to ask how our day is," 



Sam sighed, remembering Steve's threat about 'bullying' Peter when he's sick. 

"fine. it's going fine. is that it?" 

"Nah, actually," 

"ok then what do you want," Bucky asked, annoyed. 

"well I just wanted to ask you something," Peter said, a giant smirk on his face. 

this would be very entertaining. 

"what? what is it," 

"Are you a unicorn?"

Sam and Bucky looked at each other confused. 


"Are you a unicorn? I mean it's not like there's any evidence to prove you aren't. you guys could be a unicorn and you wouldn't even know it," 


sam and Bucky looked at the ground confused, their eyebrows furrowed. 

were they unicorns? 

I mean the kid's right, they wouldn't know if they were.

"I mean no one's proven unicorn blood is different than humans. how are you 100% sure you're human," 

"well how do you know you're not a unicorn," Bucky said, trying to get out of Peter's mind tricks. 

"well because as you say yourself, Mr.Barns, I'm a spider mutant. I can't be a unicorn, I would've died by the spider bite if I were one. you guys, however, aren't any type of mutant. sure you have the super-soldier serum Mr.Barnes, but it's never been proven that that doesn't make you a unicorn," 

"wha- I mean," 

now Peter's mind games had really gotten to the two, and they were legitimately questioning if they were a unicorn. 

Peter was trying extremely hard not to laugh. 

"Yeah. so are you?" Peter asked. 

"maybe I am a unicorn," they both murmured 

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