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The snow came down harder blurring his face enough to where I could only make out the edge of his jaw and the curve of his smile

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The snow came down harder blurring his face enough to where I could only make out the edge of his jaw and the curve of his smile. The world around me while frozen was warmed when he reached out his hand toward me. His long fingers decorated by expensive silver rings waited for me to place my hand in his. "Kimmy." He whispered the sound barely enough to even reach my ears but the faint sound of his deep voice made my heart race. I felt his name form at the bottom of my throat but the words were lost by the time they reached my lips. He frowned a bit before his lips picked back up into a strong smile. "Find me soon." he said before his hand left mine and he turned walking deeper into the snow the only thing visible were his broad shoulders beneath the cream-colored wool coat he wore and his dark hair dipping until he turned into a blur of nothingness. 


I woke up gasping for breath like I always did. The sun shined through my window catching the edge of my laptop so it hit directly into my eye making me groan. It was him again, the voice was his. I reached over to my grabbing the journal that sat on my bedside table and flipped it to the first empty page I could find:

15th March 2020 

Him again the same deep-voiced man asking for me to find him. There was snow and this time he had black hair but it was the same man. 

I have had the same dreams of the same man for close to a year now. Each one just like the last all I can make out completely was his deep voice and how it would leave this warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. His hair would change color every few months and so would the scenery but he would always ask me to find him. 

"Kimmy!" I heard the loud song-like voice shout my name down the hall before it was followed by the pitter-patter of feet until my door swung open. Standing in my doorway was my best friend in the whole world. Ara and I had been friends since grade school and about a year ago, the same time the dreams started, we moved in together to be closer to our University and further from our parents. 

Ara was the definition of beauty. She had jet black hair that looked more like black silk, her face was perfectly rosey in all the right sections and she dressed like she was right out of a magazine. Her eyes caught the book in my hands and her perfectly shaped eyebrows pulled together. "You had a dream about him again." 

I let out a little sign before nodding. "Yeah, the same thing he asked me to find him." I said making her smile. She was the only person who knew about the dreams. She thought they were harmless, simply a product of my imagination. Freaking psychology nerd. 

Dramatically she twirled around my room before falling like a damsel in distress on my bed. "Oh Kimmy you must find this gorgeous man as soon as possible or he may not make it." she laughed making me roll my eyes and push her off of me. "Come on man slayer we have class." 

She placed the book back where it normally laid and threatened to leave without me. I almost wanted to let her, today I wouldn't mind skipping hours of lectures that I could care less about at this point. Ara and I were both seniors in college just a few months away from graduation and a few days away from the beginning of our clinical rotations. We were both medical majors which led us to not have much of a life outside of each other. Ara just recently dumped her not so long term boyfriend leaving us as a solid party of two who spend our weekends studying. 

The most interesting thing in my life were these dreams and this mystery man who wanted me to find him. Of course I knew it was just my subconcious filling some void but it was still nice thinking that someones love for me was so powerful that it seeped into my dreams some how. 

"Kimmy-ah I'm leaving come on." I sighed quickly grabbing my backpack and running to the front door where Ara was really leaving. She hooked her arm through mine and smiled as we made our way to the outside city. All we needed was each other thats all we ever needed and as we walked on campus she kissed my cheek before jogging toward her building leaving me to walk slowly toward mine not minding if I was tardy or not. All I could hear the whole way was the man's voice, the low growl of my name that would fall from his blurred lips. The sound was intoxicating. 

Oh, how I wished that man was real.


Ahh! hey guys guess who's back!

I'm so happy to be writing again ecspesually since you guys have been asking me to write another story! So many of you liked Bestfriends and I hope that love rolls over to this new book! 

Much love guys I hope you enjoy! XX

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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