About this time, the two saw the perky model waiting for them in front of the lunchroom. 
"Oooh, speak of the devil", Yuu smiled. "You should go see what she has to say". "Y-you sure". "Yes, get over there", yuu pushed. A nervous pomu then tiptoed over to her girlfriend. Her skittish attitude would soon be countered however; as karin pulled her into a nice good morning hug. "Eeeh, karin". "Good morning cutie...do you feel better today". "Well yeah but...I wanted". "Say no more", karin said placing a finger on pomu's lips. "I was wondering if I could get you to do something for me". "Uhh sure, what do you need". "All I need you to do is come to my place tonight. You think you can do that for me", karin said in a seductive tone. "Y-yeah". "Good, see you then", the third year said as she gave pomu a peck on the cheek.

After this encounter ayumu walked back to Yuu looking like she was going to pass out. She still had a hard time getting used to Karin's seductive nature. "What was that about". "She wants me to come to her place tonight". "Holy crap...your so lucky ayumu", the club president said getting a nose bleed. "Oh, be quiet perv!!". Throughout the rest of the school day, ayumu's mind did backflips wondering what her gf wanted with her. "Would they just hang out, maybe watch a movie...or did karin have other things in mind". As soon as that thought entered the girls head, she wanted to punch herself in the face. "Eeeh, get your mind out of the gutter ayumu. I'm sure it'll be a regular old visit".

Thankfully we wouldn't have to wait long, as the school day soon ended. After it was over, the nervous girl made a stop at home before going to Karin's. There she packed them a few sandwiches, made just the way her girlfriend liked them. With this done she quickly made her way to Karin's, as she did not want to keep her lady waiting. Once there, ayumu only struck the door two times before it opened; as if karin had been impatiently waiting on the other side. "Hey there, guess you were in the neighborhood?", karin joked. "Yep, just wanted to give you a package", ayumu smiled holding out her homemade treats. "Oh my", karin giggled. "Your not going to stop till you make me fat". "We're human, we have to eat", ayumu reminded.

"I know I know, but nevermind that...I have a surprise for you". Karin then led her gf into her apartment by hand. She then slipped behind the girl and covered her eye's; as not to reveal things to soon. "Say ayumu". "Uhhh yes", a blinded pomu replied. "Would you say that you have a lot of confidence or belief in yourself...and be honest". "No...not really". The mature third year then leaned in towards ayumu's ear and spoke. "Well tonight I hope to change that". At that moment she moved her hands; showing her usual apartment transformed. The small dorm that ayumu had been to many times, now resembled a makeshift model show.

The lights that hung along the walls gave off a neon glow, and the sound of pop music filled the air. But the main thing ayumu noticed was how Karin's clothes were being used. The girl had laid them out in a straight line; trying her best to replicate a runway. "Karin... what's going on here". "Why it's simple, welcome to your first modeling gig sweetheart". "Mo-modeling...what am I modeling", ayumu stuttered nervously. "I'm glad you asked". Karin then walked to the corner of the room and presented ayumu with a shocker. One so big that as soon as she saw it, her eyes nearly popped out of her head. All of ayumu's suits from every song they ever did were hanging on a portable rack. From tokimekki runner's to yume no ippo...they were all there.

"Wha...wha... how!!". "Heh, I just borrowed them from the clubroom before school let out", the girl snickered. "But...why", ayumu gasped. Karin then put both hands on pomu's shoulders; and stared deep into her eyes. "Because I want to help you. Ever since we've met you've had no confidence, I don't like that. You deserve to be the pretty one sometimes too", karin spoke. "Your just as cute or maybe even cuter than me, and I want you to believe that. Ayumu uehara...I want you to realize your worth", karin smiled. "Bu-but I don't know if I can". "Oh come on, your really going to tell me no after I went to all this trouble", karin interrupted.

Once she heard that, ayumu took a look around. From the way the room looked, to all of her uniforms, she could tell that karin tried her best. So she didn't have the heart to let her down. "Okay... I'll give it a shot", pomu said clenching her fist. "Atta girl, now go get changed". Now that the hard part was over; karin decided to get comfortable before the show. So she took a seat in a spot that would give her the best view of ayumu. A few moments later, the second year peeked her head from the bathroom door. "Okay, guess I'm ready". "Not so fast", karin halted. "I've gotta set the mood". The happy third year then turned the music way up; and held a brush to her lips to resemble a microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome...to the first annual ayumu is totally hot awards. Today we'll have the honor of seeing miss uehara rock the cutest outfits you've ever seen. And the best one will receive a grand prize from yours truly", karin winked. "That's a bit much isn't it!?". "Nothing is to much for queen pomu...now entertain me", karin smirked. So without anymore hesitation, ayumu took her first step into the spotlight.

The first suit she made her walk in was from the song yume no ippo. It was one that she had always felt pretty comfortable in, so it was obviously her first pick. "Oooh a classic, with plenty of flowers and enough pink to give you diabetes. This is a signature in the ayumu lineup...very beautiful", karin clapped. With the first outfit out of the way, ayumu retreated down the cloth runway and back into the changing room. Karin sat with a smile awaiting the girls next suit.

A few moments later, ayumu pulled back the curtain with a bit more confidence. This time she was sporting her digs from the song say goodbye namida. "Now this one's a bit different from miss uehara's usual style. Looking more elegant and even rocking a flowing cape. It looks as if she is a galant knight on the way to rescue her first love! 8 out of 10!!", Karin cheered. Eventually the nervousness started to leave ayumu's body; and the whole model thing actually started to be fun.

The girl changed into her many different outfits, and walked up and down the runway. After a little while she even started to throw in a few taunts. Waving, winking, or even blowing kisses at her girlfriend before walking back. Both girls were having a blast.

Before too long however, there was only one suit left on the hanger. Which was of course the China dress, the one that ayumu had been terrified to wear before. For some reason though, her fears didn't feel as strong right now. Between everything karin had done and the fun they were having, ayumu felt like it was her time. So the second year threw the suit on and took a deep breath before making her final walk.

As she stepped out onto the runway, a huge smile opened up on Karin's face. She watched proudly as her girlfriend made the walk with a newfound confidence. Once she reached the end, ayumu even opened up her little fan and gave karin a seductive wink. The third year was so happy that she instantly jumped to her feet. She then ran over to ayumu and wrapped her into a tight hug. "That's how it's done...you were amazing!!", Karin cheered. "Heh, I couldn't have done it without you. Your faith in me really helped", ayumu cried. Karin then once again looked into her girlfriends eyes and repeated some wisdom. "Well it's like I said, there's nothing wrong with the way you look. You deserve to feel cute too".

Now with happy tears filling both of their eyes; the proud couple shared a kiss. The next day, the nijigasaki blog page was filled with photos from the event. Ayumu's cute outfits and adorable smile scored thousands of likes. The final photo even showed her wearing the China dress; with a caption below it reading.
"Even the most normal girls deserve to shine".

The end.

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