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"So...what brings you here?" I ask,trying to hide my lisp. I hate it so much. It makes my 'S' sound like 'TH'. Its annoying.

"My brother told me to get out of the house and do something. But really,I think he just wants the damn house, because,knowing him,he's going to invite his greaser boyfriend over" he says in a voice which shows he's pissed off. "Did you just move here? I've never seen you before" Karkat says (asks?idk).

"Yeah. We moved here about a week ago" I say as I explain. I stretch and yawn. "Are you tired?" He asks as he looks up from his book. "Sorta" I reply.

Bzzzzzz. I hear Karkat's phone vibrate. He takes it out and checks it.


Kankri: Alright,that's enough vitamin D come back home.

I grunt as I put the phone in my pocket and stand up.

"Leaving?" I hear Sollux ask. I nod as I stretch and start walking. Suddenly,I feel someone grabbing my hand. I feel my face get hot.

"Haha,I forgot to ask you....Can I get your number?" ( ♪Can I get your name?~♬)  I stare at Sollux for a few seconds.

"S-sure" I say as I fumble while getting my phone.I start reciting my number and after he's done,he shuts his phone off. "See ya later,kk" he says as he smirks. My face still feels hot. I turn around and I hear Sollix chuckle and say 'how cute".

"Karkat? Karkat? KARKAT!"

I look up and see Kankri waving his hand in front of me. "What?"

"You've been blushing for quite a while now. Is everything okay?" He gasps loudly "wait! Wait! Wait! I see! It's young love,isn't it?"

"N-NO!" I quickly say. "I BARELY EVEN KNOW THE DUDE!"

I lay in bed,wide awake. Why was I blushing? Is it possible....? No! You're not gay! Repeat after me... YOU.ARE.NOT.GAY! Seriously....what even are these feelings?!

I spend the next hour drowing in thoughts.

A/N: I know,I know. It sucked. You may now throw the tomatoes. Anyways..........IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. SCHOOL HAS BEEN A PAIN IN THE BUTT LATELY. I'm on break so I'll try to update more often :DDD Also, anyone noticed the SHINee reference? No? Okay.

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