Two: The Night Before

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That conversation played over and over in her head because as the Ross and Rachel story happened on screen it mirrored her reality with David. Except there was never a real relationship. But a mutual understanding that they will not date one another if feelings arise. A pact they had made behind the scenes after the first kiss between their characters. But it was too late, at that point Jennifer's feelings had grown while David ended up in a relationship by the end of the next episode taping.

"Bubs, you're home." Christina's accent shined whenever she called for David.

"Just a quick read through, you called?" He gave her a kiss on the cheek and went to grab some water.

"It's about work.. I have to go to New York for the rest of the week to deal with a client. I tried to hold off as long as I could without flying back again but this time it's urgent I can't really fix the issue over a phone call." Christina reasoned with him.

This has been an ongoing conversation between the couple who had initially met when David was still living in New York City. Christina promised him that she can take care of work from the other side of the country albeit he never asked her to move to California with him it was her choice. However, for the past year that they have been together they have spent half of that apart. Christina always flying back to New York and David going after her. It was always him meeting her in the middle but she never realized to meet him in the middle. But being the person he is David would rather do it than lose the person he loves. Even if that feeling is slowly going away with the countless trips she keeps taking.

"I can fly there to meet you at the end of the week if you need to stay there longer babe." He replied instantly.

"No need bubba, it's fine you always do that and I need to take shorter trips." She kissed him on the lips and as they kissed David tried to hold onto some feeling he thought he still had for his girlfriend. Little did he know she was doing the same thing. "I'm going to go pack, after do you want to grab some dinner? I can order in and we can run over your lines together like always."

"I think I'm going over to Matty's tonight with Matt. I can drive you to the airport tomorrow morning before I go to set is that alright?" He tried to reason.

"I'd be worried if you didn't do that." She laughed lightly and kissed him once more before leaving.

Once Christina was gone into their room David pulled out his phone to text Matthew to see if he can call a dinner at his place with him and Matt. He rarely ever lies too Christina but somehow they're both just playing this out until they can no longer stay with one another. At least that what he was hoping for knowing deep down he will have to break up with her.

"Something happened with the happy British couple?" Matthew texted back.

"New York again. Just please."

"You think out of the many times your girlfriend has gone to New York that you two have already broken up.. But ok, I'll text Matt."

After reading the text he locked his phone again. Until another message went through.

"Should I text the girls?"

"If you want."

"We're bringing over some wine and going to order food." Lisa's voice can be heard from Jennifer's phone.

"Honey no it's fine really I wasn't planning on doing anything tonight but just read the scripts and maybe relax before the hectic week." Jennifer tried to reason.

"Too late we bought the wine already. I'm picking up Court in a few hours and she'll text you when we're there."


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