The Confrontation

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~Thursday~ (3 weeks from previous chapter)

Pamela rolled over in bed to see a sleeping Aaron and she softly smiled but somewhere in the back of her mind she felt as if it should be someone else. Her phone vibrated on the nightstand and when she picked it up she seen a message from Tyler

Ty: *Text* House warming party at my place tonight... all ready got you marked down as VIP

Pam: *Text* VIP huh? what benefits does that get me. 🤔

Ty: *Text* Why... a personal invitation from the man himself.

Pam: *Text* As tempting as it is...Mercedes invited me a week ago. 🤣

Ty: *Text* 😒 Of course. 😂 Anyways...are you coming? 

Pam: I wouldn't miss it.., I'll see you tonight. 

She put her phone back down so she could get up and shower for the day. As she went into the bathroom and shut the door Aaron use this opportunity to snoop through her phone to see who she had been texting. 

~With Tyler~

Knowing that Pam was going to be able to make it really brightened up his day more. He couldn't get her off his mind as he was running through the list of stuff needed for tonight. 

As he was putting his groceries away a soft knock on the door and a voice coming from the front room. 

Mercedes: Ty? I am guessing you're awake sense the door is open. 

Tyler: I am in the kitchen... 

He finished putting his stuff away and turned around to see Mercedes and two other woman standing leaning on the bar. Tyler recognized the blonde to her left as Liv Morgan. 

Tyler: *Reaching out to shake Liv's hand with a smile* Hello, It's nice to me you... Liv Morgan?

Gionna: *Giggles as she accepts the handshake* My in-ring name is Liv Morgan but you can call me Gionna. 

Tyler smiled as his attention was now to the woman that was flanking Mercedes' right and it was someone that he did not recognize. 

Tyler: *Flashes a smile* And you might you be? 

Tay: *Looks away to try and hide her blushing cheeks* M-My in-ring name is Taynara Conti but you can call me Tay. 

Tyler: It is always a pleasure to meet more of the superstars in the WWE world. 

Mercedes: Well, Tay doesn't work for WWE anymore. She was released but as just signed with AEW. 

Tyler: What is AEW? 

Tay: It is a newer company that is started up by Cody Rhoades and others.

Tyler: I will have to check it out...

Mercedes: *Smiling * I tell you he was handsome.

Both women nodded as Tyler grabbed them all drinks from the fridge.

Tyler: So what's the occasion for three beautiful ladies to be standing in front of me?

Mercedes: I wanted to introduce a few of the people that would be attending the party tonight.

Tyler: *Slightly blushing* Sounds like the party just got that much better.

Mercedes: Well we are going to head out to get some new...bikinis *smirks*

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