Crown of Despair

60 5 8

Request : BTSLeftToe

Character : Hyung Line

Story :

There was this story that every child in the village of Gale was told at the age of 8. When their mind would finally start to develop. That was the perfect time to make them believe that monsters exist and to protect themselves, they must obey the order of sending someone off to become the Kings Bride.

Whether it be when they turn 8 then, or when they are at the age of 19.

And you happened to be next in line.

However, when you were sent off to become the King's Bride. Never did you expect them to be monsters themselves.

Vampires is what they were called. Sharp fangs that would dig into anything. Skin as pale and beautiful like described. You couldn't believe that you've been living under monsters your whole life. And here the villagers thought that if a bride were to be sent to the king, they'd be safe from the monsters in the forest.

Everything was a lie. They were being ruled over by the Monsters.

You couldn't believe that the three Kings that ruled Gale would be the ones that were harming your village and feeding them lies.

You even trembled under their gazes, afraid to even speak.

How were you supposed to survive, knowing that the previous "wife's" of these monsters, died by the end of the year.

And here you were.

What happens when you end up living with the three kings of Gale? Would they just make you a maid, work you to death like all the other previous sacrifices?

Or will they end up taking a liking to you more than before?

Only your 1 year time there can tell.

Sorry this was late, I had a bad writers block half way through this and was thinking if this was even what you asked for xD. Anyways let me know if you're interested in still using this or you'd like something else.

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