Rasputin- Bucky Barnes x Oc {Marvel}

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My first one-shot yay!!! warning it is a bit short ill try to make my others longer

songs will be written like this .

"Aunt Nancy can you tell me a bedtime story, please?" asked five-year-old Morgan Stark. 

"I don't know my stories aren't really good little iron," spoke Nacy tucking in her goddaughter tiredly from a long day of babysitting her.

"Please, I love your stories," asked Morgan with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I'll tell you a story, which one do you wanna hear," answered the girl's godmother Nacy.

"One you told me last time please!!!" Morgan 

Nancy rolled her eyes at the small girl's excitement and began her story.

"There lived a certain man in Russia long ago.

He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow.

Most people look at him with terror and fear."

(Bucky's POV)

At the same time, Bucky Barnes was walking to his and Nancy's little home tired from a long day with Sam, having saved some civilians here and there.

Bucky looked around noticing his girlfriend to not be seen nor the girl they were supposed to be babysitting. Until he heard a little laugh from their guest room he went to investigate and when he got there he saw that his girlfriend was telling morgan a story, not wanting to disturb them he stood at the door listening to the story.


Lover of the Russian Queen.

There was a cat that really was gone.

Bucky smiled to himself the story Nancy was telling morgan was one he never knew of but yet again his girlfriend had quite the imagination.


Russia's greatest love machine

It was a shame how he carried on

Bucky started going back to the couch quickly as he didn't want to get caught listening to the girl's conversation. When he sat down Nancy came down from the guest room and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water when she noticed he was home.

"Oh yay your home, Pepper called she'll pick up morgan tomorrow at 2 only if that was okay with us and me being the nicest person ever I said yes hope that was ok I didn't check with you cause I knew you were busy, anyway how was your day," she spoke quickly in one breath walking towards the couch and sitting beside him.

Bucky chuckled at her behaviour "It was good, I heard you telling a story to morgan while you were putting her to bed."

"y-y-you did?" Nancy studdered 

Bucky chuckled, "No need to be nervous doll I thought it was cute, who was the story about."

Nancy placed her glass on the coffee table, " Well the story was about you, course changed it up a tad for Morgan so she wouldn't think it was you. We don't her thinking of her Uncle Bucky of some person like that." Nancy answered which Bucky nodded to excepting her answer.


Startled by the noise Bucky and Nancy turn around to the source to find Morgan sitting on the stair wide-eyed by the discovery she uncovered, that her favourite bedtime story told from Aunt Nancy was about her Uncle Bucky.

Welp here it is my first one-shot and it's trash hope you enjoyed it.

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