❤️1 : selever x trans!reader🌸

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When I was going to end this book

It wont end any time soon tho so woo

Fluff :')


Too lazy to make it look better

the first last oneshot lol

mk welp

i hope u all enjoy this :>


Laying on your bed, scrolling through your messages with Selever, you question yourself..

For a few weeks, no, months, you found out that your trans-

But your boyfriend Selever, doesn't know this yet

Would he still love you?

Should you tell him?

If he loved you before wouldn't he still love you?

He said he would no matter what-

But is that really true?

Would you lose Selever if you told him the truth-

Gah, this hurts my brain

You shut off your phone, plopping it next to you as you now stare at your ceiling

What do I do?

There's nothing really to do, for now at least I guess-


You've been hiding it for a while longer now but the question keeps coming back

What if I told him?

Hh, this is killing me.

I'm just gonna tell him-

I can't keep this up as if it ain't doin anything

There, you finally decided

But the question is.. when would you tell him?

..well that turned out to be a real problem


OnCe again here you are unable to tell him for in your mind no time is the right time! This is starting to really weigh down on you and you feel like you should just give up on the whole idea-


And one day

You and Sel were just chillin at the church, till you completely broke down in tears-

"Woah- N/N! What the fuck- are you ok-?"
Selever quickly went to your side pulling you into a hug.

You continued to cry, holding tightly onto his shirt

He just sat there, holding you close, rubbing small circles on your back and occasionally gave you a kiss on the head- (oh wow he what?)

After what seemed to be hours of you crying you finally stopped

Small sniffles being heard

You look up at Sel, as you feel your eyes water again

He just pulls you closer, "sh, it'll be ok- now what got you to cry like this? If someone did something to you i'll break that fuckers neck-"

You put your hand to his mouth, keeping him quiet, "No, no. no one did anything, it's just that there has been something I've really wanted to say to you but every time I could never find the right time to say anything and it's been really stressing me out.."


You look at him

"Whatever the hell it is, I will love you, and no matter what it is, I will help you, got that?"

You slowly nod

(Oh wow he didn't curse- SERIOUS BOI MODE ACTIVATED)

Taking a shaky breath, you close your eyes

He'll still love me, I don't have to worry

"I uh..."

You exhale

"I came out as trans- about, three or five months ago."

You said it


It feels like your world just became a lot less, overbearing, except- now you gotta worry about Selever's reaction

He seemed a little mad

"That's it?"

Oh great..

"Why didn't you tell me sooner-! I'm a little hurt you kept it secret that long"
He pinched your cheek

"I still love you ya know."


Oh my

You looked at him, seeming to be a bit surprised, and he just gives you a quick kisS


"Now get off your ass I need to flex that I'm with you on some random fuckers."

"Pft- aight" you say, slightly laughing as you get up.

And off you both went

A very happy couple

With him showing the world that he is with the most perfect person ever.

And you get to flex that your with a hot ass demon lol


Sorry it's short- just trying to get as many out as i can-

i also feel like it aint that good but eh ovq

k see u in the next onE

(657 words including this)

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