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You were going away for a while. Your next mission would be longer than most, and you wouldn't be able to see Fives for only the Maker knows how long. You didn't want this last night together to end. You had gone to dinner and then wandered around the streets of Coruscant, going anywhere but to the temple as that would mean the end of the night was coming, and the next day you would be leaving.

"It's getting pretty late," Fives said as you walked down the street.

"I know," you replied, feet slightly dragging beneath you. "We can stay out though, it's not too late." You heard Fives sigh from behind you before he gently grabbed your hand to stop you.

"Y/n," he said, pulling you closer to him. "I can see your legs starting to shake from walking so much. You can't keep trying to get away from this."

"What if we just run away?" You said, gripping his hands in your own. He chuckled lightly at you while shaking his head.

"I'm serious! What if we just abandon the war and the Republic. Go find somewhere nice to live out our days."

"Y/n, you have men that will be waiting for you to lead them into battle tomorrow. I have a general who is counting on me to do my duty and help fight alongside him and my brothers. We can't run away, this is how are lives are."

You sighed as you threw your head back, closing your eyes. You opened them to stare at the stars above you for a minute before looking back at Fives.

"Come on," he said, leading you over to a random speeder. "Let's make our last night together even more special." He climbed on and you got on behind him, wrapping your arms around him tightly. He sped back to the temple where you made sure to sneak him back up to your room without anyone seeing.

"I had an idea," he said as you walked into your quarters.

"Okay, shoot," you said.

"You know how since we won't be able to see each other for a while, we won't be able to fuck?" You paused for a second, turning to eye him at his bluntness.

"Yes..." you said cautiously. "Why?"

"Well, I was thinking, since I normally just think about you when I'm in the showers or we holocall," he said while making his way over to the bag he had left here earlier, "what if we don't have to rely on our memories or holocalls to see each other."

"What do you mean? How would we-" You stopped your sentence short when you saw him pull out the object from his bag. It was a cam for taking holovideos.

"I want this night to be amazing, and then I don't want to ever forget how it made us feel. I want to be able to watch these memories," he said while meeting your gaze. You were silent as your wrapped your mind around what he was asking.

"You want to record us fucking?"

"No, I want to record me eating your pussy like it's a three course meal. I want to record you throating my cock as if it supplied your oxygen. I want to record us crashing our hips together, crying out for each other as our bodies intertwine." As he spoke, he had been walking closer to you, and you had involuntarily been stepping back while bringing your hands up to grip his shirt.

"Fives," you breathed out as he brought his face to yours.

"Yes, mesh'la?" He asked, his voice a deep rumble.

You internally moaned at the sound of him, relishing in the tone that only you ever got to hear. You sat on the bed and scooted back, laying down as he crawled over you.

"Fuck me, fuck me hard," you said before his lips met yours. The kiss was heated and full of passion and desire. Your hands roamed curiously over each other's bodies, reaching under the fabrics the other wore. You both pulled apart long enough to discard all your clothing before attaching your lips again. He was practically laying on you, his chest pressed against your own. You could feel his rapid heartbeat against your chest, no doubt getting faster as he became more aroused. Your hand ran up his arm to massage is bicep, earning a groan from him. His hand ran up your side and then back down, gripping the inside of your thigh, knuckles brushing against your folds. A shiver ran through you at the touch before he sat back, grabbing the camera from your bedside stand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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