Coming home and Confirming

Start from the beginning

"This my baby mommy?"

I grin as I free one hand and gently pull him into my side and say,

"Yes, this is your baby sister, wanna help mommy and daddy look after her?"

He looks up at me as serious as a 2 almost 3 year old could be and says,

"I pwomise to always pwotect my baby mommy."

I look over at Jett who was grinning ear to ear and he says,

"Good, we gotta keep them other boys away from her. Only you, Jacey, daddy, and your uncles and grandpa are allowed."

I roll my eyes as they both nod and Sarah snickers. I look over at her and ask,

"Would you like to hold your goddaughter?"

She looked shocked before nodding and stepping forward and gently taking Finley from my arms. She unknowingly started to rock a bit as she looked down with a soft look. The more I looked at her the more I noticed how she was paler than normal, but she had this glow about her. Before I could think to much about it I hear my daughter start cooing, and it made all of us smile. She gently hands her back and whispers,

"She's precious you two, congratulations."

I nod and go to thank her but I noticed she had gotten even more pale and a bit shaky. But once again before I could say anything Jett had stood up and hugged her tightly.  She hugged him back as her head rested against his shoulder before pulling back and saying,

"If your up to it I know Chase wants to come back, and so does your parents and brother Jett. But if your not I'll make them wait."

I smile as say,

"Send them in, I'll get some more rest after they get their fill."

She smiles before she ducks out the door pretty fast. I frown as Rhys asks,

"Is aunty ok? She would go bye bye a lot while in the other room."

I look at him before looking at Jett as he says,

"I'm sure she's fine, she is probably busy doing media stuff and getting ready to start Jace's racing season."

I nod as it would make sense but I didn't quite believe it, and I could tell he didn't either. But it calmed Rhys down so that's all that mattered at the moment. As everyone else came in a saw her they couldn't get over how tiny and cute she was. As they left after a little bit Rhys almost didn't want to leave. But Chase got him to by saying he could stay with him and have a sleepover with Jace. As he walked out with his grandma who was going to take him home to get his things before going to their house I stop him and say,

"Chase, what's going on with Sarah? She looked really pale when she was in here and she left a bit fast. And where is she now, and Jace?"

He leans against the door frame and says,

"Nothing is wrong with her I promise. And her and Jace went home, Jace was getting tired and so was she so I told them to go home and get some sleep."

I looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes as I notice he didn't tell me what was going on. But I sigh as now I at least know there isn't anything wrong. I nod and say,

"Ok, thanks for taking Rhys in for the night."

He grins and answers,

"No problem, he's welcome over anytime. And if you need someone to watch him sometimes while your recovering then our door is open."

I grin and nod as Jett says,

"We will keep that in mind, but you two are so busy as it is so it probably won't be long times we'd ask you to watch him."

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