
804 44 7

For Winner

~Permanent Follow from ITV_Awards

~ Permanent follow from TSA_Backup1

~ Book added in reading list

~ Sticker

~ An honest review

For 1st Runner-up

~Permanent Follow from ITV_Awards

~ Book added in reading list

~ Vote on 1st 10 chapters of the book

~ Sticker

For 2nd Runner-up

~Vote on 1st 10 chapters of the book

~ Book added in reading list

~ Sticker

For Judges

~Follow from the participants

~A book of yours will be added in the reading list

~ Sticker

There will be participant sticker for all participants!

★For Special Category:

Only winner will be awarded and the winner will be judged by FirstRaysOfSun

Prizes for the winners of Special Categories:

~Permanent Follow from TSA_Backup1

~ Book added in reading list

~ Vote on 1st 5 chapters of the book

~ Sticker

ITV Fanfiction Awards 2021Where stories live. Discover now