Chapter 3

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,, So sweetheart what brings you to us?" Angie asked with a giggle. ,, I came here to tell you that i will be your personal maid for the time being. If you need anything just ask for me." I answered an smiled at both of them. Angie clapped and jumped up and down and floated ofver to Lady Beneviento. Still giggling she got picked up by the Lady and said: ,, So i can even call you to play hide and seek with you or to paint on the walls?" Her head tilts to the side and I chuckled. This doll is going to get me in so much trouble over the next week or months. ,, Yes you can call me to play hide and seek and to paint but we will not paint on the walls. If we do that you won't have me for long.  Anyways that's all I wanted to tell you. I'm out of your hair now Lady Beneviento." with that I got a nod from Lady Beneviento and a small giggle and a wave from Angie. I turned around and walked out of the room.

I stood before the room and took a deep breath. That was better than I expected. Just as I was about to go to the kitchen to help with the preparations for the breakfast tomorrow I heard my name being screamed by Angie. I turned around with a small chuckle and walked back inside. ,, What can I do for you Angie? " smiling I walked toward Angie who was sitting on a chair near the vanity. Donna sits at the vanity still in her black gown and veil. ,, Can you help Donna to take of the veil and brush her hair. She also likes it braided for the night but you have to promise us to not look into the mirror. Can you do that sweetheart? " You looked at Angie with a look of shock. Why would she trust me like that? She doesn't even know me for more than maybe 6 hours. ,, It would be really helpful Brielle." came the low and husky voice from Lady Beneviento. I felt a shiver ran down my spine at her voice but I tried to suppress it.

,, y-yeah sure. I can do that for you Lady Beneviento. I positioned myself behind Lady Beneviento so that I couldn't see her face in the mirror. A little hesitant at first she took of her veil and laid it next to her onto the vanity. She has beautiful brown hair which was up in a bun. Carefully you took out every single pin holding out the bun and with each pin a new strand of her hair falls down. It goes to her midback and falls in big curls. She gave you her brush and you carefully brush through it always in mind to not go to harsh. How did she get it so soft? Totally lost in thoughts you didn't realize that you running your hand through her hair and occasionally wrapping her skull. You heard a low sigh combined with a moan as you stopped what you are doing. You pulled your hands away as if it got burned. ,, I'm sorry Lady Beneviento. I- I so was deep in thought and didn't know that I did it. I will braid your hair now and be out for the night." Blushing a deep crimson I braided her hair in silence. ,, i-It was relaxing you know. I don't mind it." You heard Lady Beneviento. Without thinking I lean forward and look into the mirror. I look into the eye of Lady Beneviento and gasped. She was absolutely gorgeous. Her skin is like porcelain and she has plumb pink lips that look kissable. She looked at me with a shocked expression.

She hastily grabs her veil and tried to put it back on but i stopped her and smiled.  ,, Don't hide your beauty Lady Beneviento. " I blushed and looked down. I hope I didn't go to far. I looked at Angie and she kept quiet even though she never keeps quiet. I heard that Lady Beneviento and Angie had a special bonding and are kinda connected. I guess Lady Beneviento didn't want her to speak. As I looked back to Lady Beneviento I saw a small smile on her face and a blush covering her cheeks and the tips of her ears. She looks absolutely gorgeous. She stood up and turned around so that we are face to face. Her brown eye started into mine and skipped over my face. Her gaze stopped a second to long onto my lips before she looked back into my eyes. ,, T-thank you. I w-want to go to b-bed now. " with that she turned around, grabs Angie which was now again speaking to Lady Beneviento. ,, Good Night Lady Beneviento and Angie." ,, Good Night sweetheart. " Angie giggled and I walked out of the room. What just happened in there? Did Lady Beneviento felt the same attraction as I do or did I just imagined that? With my head low and deep in thought I walked to my bed chambers to get some sleep. Just before I got there I walked into someone and fell backwards and hit my head hard on the floor. I saw a big figure over me before everything went black.

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