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chenle has been transferred.

renjun has been sitting beside chenle's bed, holding his hands while jisung was sitting on the chair that is beside the table, mark was talking to doyoung, jeno, jaemin, and donghyuck bought a food from outside.

chenle hasn't woken up, he was still in deep sleep, still unconscious.

jisung was looking at renjun and then at their hands.

it breaks his heart knowing that chenle has been suffering from hanahaki disease and he can't even do anything to help him.

he can't get mad at renjun too because he doesn't have any idea about chenle's feeling for him that is chenle was head over heels to him but he can't help himself either to get angry at the same time because it was him who causes chenle to suffer like this, which is that was jisung's had thought.

jisung was getting frustrated at what is going on right now...

"if only chenle didn't fall in love to renjun maybe this will not happen."

jisung stopped his thoughts when the door opened and the three entered the room with take out foods in their hands.

jaemin went to jisung and handed him the food that he always buys for him, but instead taking it, jisung stood up and ignored jaemin.

but then again he is not mad at jaemin nor renjun but knowing that chenle is in the hospital and having this disease because of them makes him a little mad and annoyed.

jaemin was shocked and hurt at the act that jisung has showed to him but jisung doesn't care, he didn't care at all.

he went outside of the room without saying a word.

the 4 of them were looking at the door while wondering what had happened to jisung, but to renjun he made a conclusion that jisung might know about chenle's illness.

he stood up and was about to go out and follow jisung but jaemin stopped him by holding his wrist.

"baby where are you going?"

he asked, renjun didn't have time to answer him as he removed jaemin's hand and went outside of the room.

he saw jisung waiting infront
of the elevator, he ran there and hold jisung's wrist and made the younger face him.

"what do you want hyung?"

he coldly said. renjun got scared at his cold treatment but he just shake it off and bravely asked him.

"you knew that chenle has been suffering from hanahaki disease aren't you?"

"i don't know why you are asking me this question but to answer to your damn question, no i didn't know anything about chenle's illness."

renjun run his fingers on his hair as he face jisung again.

"stop lying jisung and just tell me why you hide this from us."

jisung got annoyed at how renjun is right now, how can he be this dense and stupid?

and how can the chinese come up with an idea that he knows about chenle's illness

jisung decided to stop talking and ignore renjun and waited for the elevator to open.

renjun didn't stop accusing jisung about the 'he knew this all along' scenario and still trying to let jisung admit it but he didn't get an answer.

the elevator opened and jisung entered and closed it immediately.

renjun was standing infront of the elevator door and he is now mad at the younger, he won't stop till jisung spills the truth.

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