Postgame Story chapter 1

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Kokichi POV:

"i'm alive? is this the afterlife or some shit? wow god really said 'i'll give you a second chance' like bitch- i fucking manipulated Gonta into killing Miu, i feel bad though"

I woke up feeling pain all over my body while hearing beeping and people talking, i felt like i was lying down on something but i couldn't know because i mostly had my eyes closed. i felt someone shake me and saying that 'i'm alive' to some other people i suppose. I opened my eyes to see i'm wearing my clothes and Kaito sitting by... is that a hospital bed i am on? and what the fuck is happening? i looked around the room confused and i heard Kaito say "i know you are confused, but the killing game was a virtual reality... but the game does damage some things to you depending on how you die, the ones that were alive before are all fine except for some pain in their legs sometimes" that was alot to take in... wait? so Gonta is alive? i can probably apologise when i have the chance. i tried to say something but nothing came out, Kaito said something again "oh, well since you basically got everything crushed during the game, you probably can't speak or walk until you get healed in some way... that's how i got cured from my sickness! at least... that's what the doctors and nurses told me... " i had a pissed off look and he said sorry, and he talked some more about the everyone elses problems "so basically Rataro has headaches most of the time, Kaede can't speak well... but can say a few words, can't breath well and has neck pain, Ryoma feels body pain and has trouble breathing sometimes like kaede, Kirumi feels body pain and tries her hardest to make it up to everyone, Angie has neck pain and sometimes has trouble breathing, same with Tenko... she hates males more than before, Miu has neck pain, can't breath properly sometimes and has trouble speaking sometimes, Gonta has stomach aches every now and again and doesn't like wasps that much, I have stomache aches every now and again, Kiibo feels body pain and he is human, Tsumugi is basically the same as you because she got crushed too from what Shuichi told me" i had a look on my face and Kaito said "and yes Kiibo has a dick" i got excited and i got pissed off from him saying Shuichis name, Kaito seemed to notice and apologised "sorry buddy, i know what he said was a little harsh... but it won't matter because Gonta is alive and kind of well? Maki-roll still kind of hates you though" i wish i had my voice just to fucking scream until my throat was sore.

I sighed and Kaito said "do you wanna see the place while your awake? " i nodded and he picked me up and put me in a wheel chair, i hissed in pain for a bit but i had to act like it was nothing, he was pushing me to the door and he said to the doctors and nurses that he was gonna take me to have a look around the hospital, he continued pushing me on the wheel chair as we were in the hallway, it had different room numbers and one caught my eye as i saw a certain someone in it, it was Gonta sleeping peacefully in his bed, i smiled as Kaito continued walking, it's been a weird first hour and as we took a turn, there was Kaede and Shuichi, "ahhhh they seem like the perfect straight couple... " i thought as i smiled slightly and Kaede seemed to notice me and waved to the both of us, i know Kaito waved back to her because i could hear something, i put my hand up slightly and tried to wave, Kaede grabbed Shuichis hand as he noticed us and she ran with him to infront of us, Kaede said "hi Kokichi ...nd Kaito! n..ce to see you awake the first time Ko" she smiled, she started itching her neck a bit and Shuichi took her hand and out it down to her side so she'll stop scratching, Shuichi looked over to Kaito and said "hi Kaito!" and looked down to me and said "oh, hi kokichi. " "GOD I FUCKING HATE HIM" i thought, the three of them started talking to eachother for around 3 minutes, i was in pain and was silent. Kaede and Shuichi went their ways after finishing the conversation. "why'd i have to live just to turn out like this" i thought, Kaito said "hey Kokichi, do you wanna look at yourself in the mirror? you look different from the game? " i nodded slightly as we went to the bathroom so i could look in a mirror.

the bathroom was nice and clean, and for once, mirrors were shiny and didn't have shit on them, i looked down at my legs as he pushed me infront of a sink where i was guessing a mirror would be there, he stopped and told me to put my head up, "there i was, with my used to be full on purple hair was lighter than before, and more of a white colour, my hair was covering one of my eyes as i went a little forward to examine myself a bit more. i was weird, i don't like this shit at all, i'm more thinner than before too? i looked kind of empty in the mirror tbh, that sucks. Kaito was smiling and i was, i don't know? i nodded to let him know that i was ready to go, he took me out of the bathroom and i looked down most of the time, i heard a few voices saying that it's time for lunch and stuff to everyone, Kaito seemed to notice and said "guess we are going to eat lunch? you hungry? " i was but i don't want to eat, i shook my head no and he pushed me to the dining area, we were the first ones there and more people were coming in, Tsumugi and kiibo was being pushed around in a wheelchair, everyone sat next to their friends and the people who killed and was not forgiven yet was alone, which means Tsumugi and Korekiyo, i was pushed by a table with only Kaito, Maki and Shuichi, i couldn't help but just think what the fuck was going on. this is overwhelming for me, "i can't- what if i die again but from Maki, Miu or Gonta? i'm overthinking this aren't i? but i could still get killed, they all hate me. all of them. i don't- i don't deserve to live? nobody will care if i died right? nobody did in the game? so i should just get on with it already? i'm causing enough trouble for everyone already! it's the first fucking hour and i already have thoughts of dying again already! so fucking unrealistic... i should just calm down. " i stared down at the floors and i heard a voice say "that's suprising how he's quiet. he'll normally be loud by now" it was Makis voice, i heard Kaito say "he got crushed remember Maki-roll? it's just like the others than had something to do with their neck" Maki then said "do you wanna die? " Kaito said "didn't i already die in the game? " i looked up and there was Maki with her head down and with a frown on her face, she replied "yeah. i suppose so" Kaito patted Makis back and said "don't get so down! " Maki looked up and said "yeah i'll try not to.. "

short A/N
wow this is short-
1306 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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