bathhouse encounter

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Remember the omake in Episode 161.

If there's one thing Sakura's confident about is, her brain. She can recite something straight from the book she reads, not even skip a word. But as proud as she might be, she's still is a human being. She tends to forget things she studied, if she does not use it during her daily life. That what she hates more than Naruto dragging her into Ichiraku to buy him more ramen.

Sakura sighs, grateful with the warm water she's soaking herself in while her mind rake on the scroll she had just read in Suna during her solo mission there. Thank to Gaara, she managed to slip into their library and take a look at a few of Chiyo personal written scrolls of poison for further use.

She shut her eyes tightly as she tries to remember the exact portion of comfrey used to add into the other ingredients.

She opens her eyes slightly and noticed the reddish orange sky, she decides its time to go. She takes her towel beside her, not bother by a shark-like man swimming at the opposite side of the bath, and dry her hair with it. With her brain still working, she stands and wrap her naked body with her towel.

Comfrey can be used as supplement for bronchitis, bruises, cough and fractures. Consumed too much however will caused liver damage. If added with ephedera, the effect will worsen, and more damage can be done namely, irregular heartbeat, seizures, heart attack, stroke and eventually death.

Sakura internally shiver at how dangerous poison could be. That's why she prefer to not use poison during battle. It's easier to heal external wound that once caused by poison. The reason she needs the knowledge is for her to varies her poison knowledge and create an antidote of multiple poisons at once.

While still trying to remember the amount use for both herbal plant for the ingredients, she looks down as she walks, at the same time murmurs the other ingredients, she unconsciously draw her fallen hair at the back of her ear. "2, er no. It's supposed to be 3 roots of comfrey, 2 and a half ephedra tops. Yes! Thats it." She grins and look up only to collide with someone chest.


"This should be okay!" Karin exclaimed to herself as she open the door, her yukata was tossed in the floor while making her way into the bath section dressed in an awfully short white towel, purposely lower it down so her cleavage is showing.

Sasuke was right at the entrance of the bath, as she make her appearance, and reply with a bored, "What's okay?" as he heard her internal shout.

At the sight of the young man she's set her eyes to, Karin blushed and goes with her plan. She took off her glasses, and put the end of it in between her teeth as she flutters her eyelashes, trying to look as seductive as she could, she spoke, "If you insist, Sasuke-kun. I'll wash your back."

Sasuke looks at her, bewildered and can't stop think how ridiculous she looks doing that. His reply was monotonous, "No, thanks."

The answer was expected, but Karin vowed to not give up, especially now that the opportunity is right before her. So she moves forward, closing their gap, "Aww, come on. Don't be so boring." She said, shoving up her cleavage to Sasuke, her tone seductive.

Sasuke didn't even seems to acknowledge anything she said.

Just when she was about to speak further into alluring Sasuke, Suigetsu appears from the bath, and breath out a sigh in content, "This is sheer heaven.."

This idiot! Karin thought as she looks at him, anger rising from within her, "What the hell are you doing, Suigetsu?" She shouted, her fist clenched infront of her face.

Suigetsu sweatdropped as he said, "I'd ask the same of you."

Karin blushed at that, somehow embarrassed of her doing, "Huh?! I just happen to.. I mean, well, its none of your business!"

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