'Moon? Where are you?' Trunks' voice asked.

'With my dad!' I answered.

'Really? Where at?'

'Over close to the sign-in desk I think.'

'Okay, just stay there. We're coming,' Trunks ordered. I smiled.

"The others are coming," I inform my father and brother.

"Really? That's great!" Daddy said. I smiled, nodding as he picked us up and placed us on his shoulders. "So what have you two been up to the last two years?"

"School and training," I answer.

"School, eh? What grades are you two in?"

"I'm going into third and Goten's going into first."

"Gosh... Goten, last I remember, you were learning how to write your name! I bet you can write entire books now!' Daddy joked.

"No, not really. Mom says I have really bad handwriting," he admitted.

"What about you, Mooney? Can you write books?"

"Nope. Not yet. But my teacher did make me write an essay on our hero. Guess who I picked!"

"Your mom?"

"Nope! You!"

Daddy laughed. "Well, I'd be honored to read it."

I beamed proudly as Momma's voice rang through the nose of bustling people.

"Goku!" She cried, running up and throwing her arms around her husband.

"Hey, Chi-Chi. It's so good to see you," he answered, hugging her back. Goten and I jumped down, going over with Trunks, Bulla and Marron.

"He's back," I whispered excitedly to Trunks. The Saiyan smiled, nodding.

"Yeah, he sure is."

"Well, it's good to see you, Kakarrot. It's about time you showed up. I was beginning to think you chicken out of our fight," Vegeta said, smirking, his arms crossed. Daddy smiled at the Saiyan Prince.

"Not hardly, Vegeta. I've been looking forward to this just as much as you have," Daddy told his old friend. Looking around, he then asked, "Hey, where's Gohan?'

"Right here, dad!" My older brother said, coming up beside us. He was wearing the green shirt with the black spandex jumpsuit underneath it. Instead of his normal orangish helmet, he was wearing a white turban and black sunglasses.The Great Saiyaman was Gohan's alter ego, so he wasn't recognized when he fought crime.

"Wow, Gohan! You've gotten so big!" Daddy stated, looking his son over. Gohan nodded.

"Yeah, you bet!" He said, smiling. Daddy matched his smile before looking around and chatting with everyone else.

"So, are you happy now?" Trunks asked me. I nodded.

"He's back. The Tournament could be cancelled and I wouldn't care. Oh! We have to go fishing soon! All of us!"

Trunks laughed. "You know I can't fish."

"I know. But that doesn't mean you can't sit with us while we fish. And then you can help Momma and me cook 'em up!" I said excitedly, already getting plans. This was going to be great!

"So, Trunks, have you taken care of my daughter while I've been gone?" Daddy asked Trunks. I blushed slightly and rolled my eyes. Looking over at my friend, I saw that he had a similar blush.

"Yes sir," he answered, nevertheless. Smiling, Daddy nodded.

"Good. I suspected that you would."

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