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The second the bridge was fully formed, Rosalie took off running, along with a small group of others ready to come welcome their new neighbors from the Isle of the Lost. On the opposite side of the bridge, she could just make out a group of individuals leaving the Isle and heading toward the mainland, and she could only hope that Harry was one of them.

Sure enough, as they neared the middle of the bridge, she caught sight of Uma's bright turquoise hair, and next to her stood Harry's tall, dark haired frame. She felt herself unable to take her eyes off him as she closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around his neck as she jumped into his arms.

Harry hugged her back tightly, spinning her around before he set her back down on the bridge. They had barely pulled back from their hug when his eyes met hers, and he closed the distance between them once again, pressing his lips to hers. She kissed him back briefly before they pulled apart, the celebrations of the two communities joining together wild around them.

"I meant to do that before I left," he called out, his voice just loud enough for her to hear him over the roar of the crowd, his usual sly, dazzling smile once again evident on his face. "But I guess we don't have to be apart again, not anymore."

"No, we don't." she said with a bright smile, taking his hand in hers.

"Hey," Krissy said, trying to catch her breath from running as she reached Harry and Rosalie, studying the boy and giving him an approving look. "I guess maybe you aren't so bad after all, Pirate."

"You really have changed since last night, haven't you?" Rosalie asked Krissy, chuckling as she stared back at her cousin in shock. "What's going on?"

"I'm learning not to judge people based on first impressions." Krissy explained, her eyes briefly darting back to Jay with a smile before turning back to them. "I mean, we all saw how well first impressions worked for my mom and Hans, right?"

Harry laughed, turning back to Rosalie. "By the way, there's a couple people I'd like you to meet. Come with me."

Harry pulled Rosalie along through the crowd of VKs making their way to Auradon until they reached two girls, not far from Harry and Rosalie's age; the eldest of the two having the same shade of hair and eyes as Harry, while the younger had blonde hair and golden brown eyes. The eldest studied Rosalie with a tentative smile, while the youngest looked ahead towards the castle, as if taking it all in.

"Rosalie, these are my sisters." Harry introduced. "Harriet and CJ. Guys, this is Rosalie."

"So this is the princess you were telling us about." Harriet said, pulling Rosalie into a bear hug. "The one who fought you off with a frying pan. I think I like this one."

"Harriet's been out of school for a year, but CJ would really like the chance to transfer to Auradon Prep." Harry explained. "She's still got a couple years left, and it might be a better shot than what she's been getting at Serpent Prep."

"Well, Auradon will be lucky to have you." Rosalie assured them, giving them both a kind smile. She turned back in the direction of the mainland, taking Harry's hand in hers once more. "Shall we?"

Rosalie led them back across the bridge, this time pulling Harry along after her as they trailed shortly behind the rest of the group. When they reached the end of the bridge, she followed the rest of the AKs to greet the newcomers, but the crowd of VKs stood on the edge of the barrier, apprehensively looking for any sign that this might have been a cruel trick. However, Ben graciously bowed, the rest of them following suit, welcoming their new neighbors home.

Uma gave a shout of glee, leading the VKs off the bridge and into the land of Auradon, where she pulled Mal in for a tight hug and Harry crossed over to Ben, shaking the king's hand. Everywhere they looked, celebrations reigned as the communities relished in finally being united after over twenty years of separation.

"This is incredible," Rosalie mused to Harry as they watched the crowds, a group of kids from the Isle now parading around under a dragon made of cloth, to celebrate Mal bringing down the barrier once and for all.

At the edge of the barrier, the new VKs from the exchange program welcomed their parents, Celia greeting Dr. Facilier, Dizzy embracing her grandmother, Lady Tremaine, and Squeaky and Squirmy hugging their father, Smee. Smee glanced up from his sons to take in the sight before him, his eyes landing on Harry and his siblings, giving Harry a nod of acknowledgment, to which Harry returned proudly, wrapping an arm around Rosalie's shoulders.

It was strange, Rosalie thought as she took in the scene before her, both villains and their children beginning to enter Auradon. While she knew all too well the possibility of disaster that came with Mal and Ben tearing down the barrier forever and allowing the old villains back into their community, she felt no need to fear the people standing in front of her, treading lightly into their new home.

Take Smee, for example. He'd been sentenced to life on the Isle of the Lost for being Captain Hook's right hand man, but aside from that, he didn't seem like such a bad guy. After all, he'd kept an eye on Hook's children for years after the man's death, even if he'd been none the wiser to Harry pickpocketing him for over a decade in order to feed his sisters.

This really was the new age of second chances.

"So what happens now?" Harry asked over the roar of celebrations, taking a seat next to Rosalie on the stone steps as they stopped for a breather, Krissy, Jay, and Gil not too far away from them. "What are your plans now that you're done with school?"

"Well, I was originally staying in town to help the new transfers get settled in." Rosalie explained. "Since I'm one of the few Auradon natives that's been to the Isle, Evie thought I'd be best suited to help. But now, with all the excitement, I think I'll definitely stick around Auradon City for a while, to help out with things. I don't know if you've noticed, but our country's going through quite a transition here."

Harry chuckled, leaning his head down on top of hers. "Quite the transition, indeed."

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