Chapter 18: Magic Madness

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Harley smiled then turned to his sister.

"Tell everyone in the weapon room to get out of the building then hold of Dr. Bob." he looked back to the window and saw the chaos below. "I think I have a plan to take away those powers Dr. Bob has now."

"Okay, but someone needs to attend to Dyrroth first," said Gusion.


Dr. Bob was hovering above Zlatan while setting fire and explosions everywhere but the Saber building. The peculiar thing was, citizens, are not running around screaming because they're not there.

They disappeared.

This must be something to do with the cube. Dr. Bob thought.

Then the front door of the Saber building exploded and fifteen people emerged holding their weapons.

Dr. Bob sniggered. "You think you all can stop me?"

None of them seemed to hear Dr. Bob because he was 7 meters above the air.

Harith rushed out of the Saber building and pulled Lylia and Nana aside. 

"I need your help." he panted.


The Venom Octopus was on the rooftop, his black hair blowing against the wind. His eyes were on Dr. Bob. He thought of every spell he could use, then he drew in a deep breath. Once he exhaled, he ran towards the edge of the rooftop and jumped. Then he's eyes bulged.

Wait, I didn't even try to cast the spell with my hands to be sure yet-

He fell at an extremely fast speed and everyone below gasped as they noticed. Just as Harley thought he was gonna die, he opened his eyes and saw that he was standing on a purple card, in thin air. Harley sighed with relief.

Then he continued to run in midair as more purple cards popped out of thin air under his feet to support him.

Apparently, Dr. Bob didn't notice as he gazed into the glowing blue cube. But to his surprise, he swiveled and shot a beam of bright blue light in Harley's direction. He ducked in the nick of time.

Then everything happened all at once. Everyone below them started to attack. Chang'e who sat on a big recent moon started shooting stars above. Diggie threw time bombs the shape of owls and they exploded which released colored smoke. Then Gusion threw a glowing green dagger which missed Dr. Bob by inches.

Hanabi crawled up the buildings near the area and threw an unidentified object into the smoke, which bounced of the shield.

Everyone tried to attack Dr. Bob, but everything just bounces off his shield. And they barely got hit when Ruby threw her blue scythe at the shield which flew back like a boomerang.

Dr. Bob howled with laughter while watching their attempts. "You fools think you could stop me?" For a brief moment he has forgotten about the Genius mage, but he swiveled to find him gone.

"Hey, cube head!"

Dr. Bob turned back to see Harith standing on an enormous yellow note, heading towards him. "Take this!" he threw a silver ball at Dr. Bob who deflected it easily.

"You think that can stop me?"

Harith smirked. "And when did I say that?"

Lylia appeared walking in thin air with nothing to support her. She pointed her microphone in Dr. Bob's direction and out came a yellow note which exploded in his face.

 The smoke cleared and he was still in one piece. Dr. Bob snorted to make his point clear. But Nana came on a flying mecha boomerang. She threw her original boomerang at him but he deflected that easily.

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