Chapter 14: The Cube's Code

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Inside the Saber building, Gusion, Grock, Hanabi, and Angela are sitting in a dark room, where there were no windows, even the atmosphere seems creepy.

They set in the shadows, minding their own business. Angela is still traumatized by the incident earlier. She replayed what Harley said and done to her before they even went for cube-hunting.


Angela stood in a corner of the dark yet welcoming room with Harley across the room from her with his head bowed. She hesitated as she looked at him. Angela opened her mouth to say something, but Harley cut across her.

"Do you think this will ever end?"

Angela shuddered at his frigid voice. "I-I wish."

Harley turned towards her and Angela felt that the atmosphere turned dark and strange. she tried not to look him in the eye as he slowly walked towards her. He grabbed her chin. 

"Are you sure about that?"

Then everything went dark. Angela opened her eyes to see Harley come into the room with a bang.

"What happened Angela??" he rushed to her side anxiously.

Angela blinked. Wasn't he just-

He held her up. "What happened here?"

Angela opened her mouth but something inside her stopped her from telling him. Harley looked at her with a concerned look. Angela met his eyes, they were normal and purple. The knot in Angela's stomach loosened. But suddenly, something shinned dangerously in his eyes. The knot tightened.



Angela jerked up from the floor.

"Sorry." Gusion apologized as he rubbed his head.

"Really." Hanabi groaned.

The four of them heard a door open and footsteps closing to the cellar... They tensed as it got nearer and nearer...

The footsteps passed their cellar.

Grock hissed in relief.

The cellar door burst open and the four of them screamed-

"Woah, woah, what's all the screaming about?" Johnson said in the doorway.

The four of them sighed in relief.

Johnson turned to Angela. "You, come with me."

Angela glanced back at the trio who looked back at her with concerned faces. She turned to Johnson who is still at the doorway, waiting for her.

"What do they want with her?" Hanabi murmured.

Johnson shrugged. He beckoned to Angela. "Now come,"

Angela walked to Johnson anxiously. She shot the others a terrified glance as Johnson led her out of the room.

Gusion got up and paced the cellar.

"I don't believe it," he murmured. "It's just fishy, what does Saber want with Angela?"

"Beats me," Hanabi shrugged.

"I think we should get out of here," Grock whispered.

Gusion's eyes widened. "Yes, and I think Johnson has forgotten something."

"Forgotten what?" asked Hanabi. She tracked Gusion's gaze to the door and choked.

The cellar of the door was wide open.

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