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"Grant! Jack! Get up it's time for breakfast!" The boys mother yelled from downstairs. Jack groaned unhappily and turned around attempting to go back to sleep while Grant sat up, groggy but with no issue. He raised his arms above his head stretching with a sound of relief before standing from his bed. He made his bed quickly and turned to look at his brother, who had definitely fallen back asleep.

With how the two boys personalities were, you would think Grant was the older brother. He shook his head at Jack and sighed walking over to his side of the room "Jack get up, Ma's callin' us down." he said shaking him a bit. Jack groaned again and swatted at his hand "We're too old for family breakfast Grant." he said opening his eyes slightly, obviously wanting to go back to sleep.

Grant furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side, giving his brother a look that read, 'really?' "You're nineteen Jack not twenty five, get up or Ma and Pop'll have your head." he said walking to the door "And don't forget to make your bed." He told his as he walked out of the room.

Grant had always been a good boy. Listened to his Ma and Pop and did everything he was asked. He had a sensible head. Jack on the other hand, liked to rebel a little. It sure did annoy the hell out of their folks but, they still loved him regardless. "Mornin'" He said kissing his mother on the cheek and nodding to his Father before sitting down at the table, where breakfast was already sat out on the table.

He made conversation with his parents as they waited for Jack and a few minutes later they heard his footsteps come down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Glad you finally decided to join us." His father said to him. He groaned again and sat down at the table. They all joined hands for grace, then dug into their breakfast. Small talk was done over breakfast and their Ma and Pop told them the chores they needed to do before the day was over.

The boys nodded understanding their routine and helped clean up the table before going upstairs to get changed from their pj's. Once they were outside, Jack went to tend to the smaller animals while Grant went to tend to the larger ones. He walked into the stables while a small smile on his face. He loved these horses with his whole heart and he loved hanging out with them. He walked over to the stable labeled 'Big Joe' and opened up the door. "Hey Joe," He said with a smile as he walked over to him "How ya been?" He asked the horse.

He was well aware that Big Joe couldn't answer him back but that didn't stop him from talking to them. Everybody needed somebody to talk to, regardless if they were animal or human. He gave the horse a quick but gentle pat and left to grab some feed. Once he was back he made sure all the horses had fresh food and water, then left the stables. He looked toward the chicken coops seeing Jack fooling around and chasing after some chickens. He shook his head and chuckled at his older brother.

Grant soon finished the rest of his chores and tended to all of the animals he was supposed to and, as always, Jack was quite behind on his chores mostly due to taking many breaks after each chore. Grant wiped the sweat from his brow and adjusted his hat before settling under a tree as he watched his brother continue his chores. He took a deep breath in and placed his hands behind his head, closing his eyes and enjoying the fresh air. Soon, He heard footsteps walking toward him and he opened his eyes slightly looking up at his brother.

Jack too wiped the sweat from his face and looked down at Grant as he spoke. "I don't know why I always get the small ones, You should try dealin' with em' one of these days." He said shaking his head "Lil' bastards." He finished plopping down next to his brother, placing his hat over his face as he laid in the grass. He was grateful their outside chores were finished. Grant chuckled again at his brothers dramatics but nodded his head anyways.

"Maybe if we talk to the folks they'll let us switch chores someday," Grant said with a slight shrug "You know how they are with routine though." He told him. "Yeah, Yeah," Jack said waving his hand at him in response. "Who cares bout' the routine Jack? One day the ranch is gonna be ours and we can do our own thing." Grant hummed and nodded in agreement "Well yeah, but some type of routine still has to be in place." He said taking Jack's hat off his face so he could actually talk to him.

He placed the hat next to the on the grass and looked around the ranch. "Without some type of routine, none of this would be possible." Grant said with a small smile on his face. "Crops growing good, animals strong and healthy," He said looking toward Jack as he sat up to look out with him. "You gotta admit, the folks do know what they're talkin' bout'. Even if the chores are a little too much." He laughed bumping his brothers shoulder with his own.

Jack laughed as his brother bumped his shoulder "Ain't that the truth." He said with a smile. Jack continued to lookout over the farm for a bit longer before standing up and dusting the dirt off his jeans. He held out his hand to help his younger brother up and the two boys started to walk back into their home, ready to start their indoor chores. "I can't wait till' this farm is our own." Jack said with a confident tone as he walked through the door. Grant took one last look out on their land and grinned "Me too Jack, Me too." He said closing the door behind him.

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