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2 years later...

Carson walked into walked into his California apartment. He went into the living room and saw Charlotte sitting on the floor with the babysitter.

"Hey!" She smiled at him.

"How was class?"

"Good! How was she today?"

"Amazing as always!" Carson smiled back and picked Charlotte up.

"Great. I'll get you your money. Alexa said she put it in the cabinet." She nodded and followed him. He gave her the money and followed her to the door.

"Thanks and I'll see you again soon!"

"No problem! See you soon!" Leo was coming in as she was leaving. "Hey babe!" He gave Leo a kiss and shut the door behind him.

"Hey! How's everything?"

"Good. Just got back from class and now I have work."

"Want me to watch her while you do some homework?"

"Sure. Thanks!" He nodded and they went to the living room, doing their own things. Alexa walked in a bit later and joined them in the living room.

"I'm exhausted!"

"Me too." Carson said. They both continued working like usual and Leo started a bit later when Jacob came home too.

8 more years later...

Alexa, Jacob, Charlotte, Carson, and Leo all walked in to a restaurant finding Kurt, Blaine, and the Taylor parents sitting at a table.

"Hey guy!" They all said at their big table they reserved.

"Hey!" They all gave each other hugs and sat. Carson's phone rang and he looked at it.

"Are you okay?" He nodded, declining the call. "You look unsettled."

"I said I'm fine!" He snapped. "I'm sorry. I'm going to go to the restroom." Blaine followed, stopping him right outside.

"I know your dad got out of jail yesterday. Was that him?" He looked down and slightly nodded. "Are you sure you're okay? You can go to the house if you need alone time."

"I uhh— yeah."

"Okay." He gave him the key to their apartment and Carson left as Blaine went to the table. Leo watched him leave and looked at Blaine, concerned.

"He just needs some alone time." Leo nodded.

"Charlotte, take off your jacket. You must be hot." Alexa said. She nodded and stood up, taking it off. Kurt smiled and started laughing. Blaine looked over confused.


"Her shirt." Everyone looked at Charlottes shirt which read 'promoted to big sister'. Blaine and Jacobs parents dropped their jaws.

"You're kidding!" Blaine said, looking at Alexa.

"No. I'm pregnant again." Jacob smiled at her and they got up to hug everyone. "Leo and Carson already knew."

"How'd you tell them?" Mrs Taylor asked.

"Well..." Jacob, Leo, and Jacob started laughing.

Leo and Carson were sitting on the floor by the coffee table with their wine glasses.

"Why aren't you drinking? You need to unwind." Carson said.

"I'm not feeling it right now."

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