7. The View from the Top

Start from the beginning


"That was sooo cooool!" Hinata yelled, jumping up into the air. He turns to you and shows you his red hand, beaming brightly. "Look! I spiked iiiit!" Then he turns to Kageyama. "What was that?! What did you do?! The ball!! The ball hit my hand!! It really hit me right in the hand!!"

You couldn't keep back the smile that found its way on to your lips.

"Hey!! Did you really have your head turned the whole time?!" Kageyama yells, probably shocked at his own skills.

"Well, Yeah. You told me I shouldn't look at the ball, right? If I wasn't looking at (Y/n), I would've looked for the ball."

"Y-Yeah, I did say that.. but still!"

"Hey! It worked, right?! What's wrong with that?!"

"Yeah, it worked— but who can just up and completely 100 percent trust somebody like that?! Also, why (Y/n)?!" He dramatically points his finger at you, glaring at Hinata.

"I don't know any other way to do it than to totally trust you!!" Hinata yells but then tilts his head cutely. "Wait, why do you care if it's (Y/n) or not?"

It was silent for a moment. You were kind of in shock, standing there and blinking like an idiot.

Ignoring Hinata's question, Kageyama moves on. "Okay! Now that Hinata's spikes are getting through, they'll have to split their blockers, which will make it easier for Tanaka-san to hit."


"There isn't anything remotely resembling a relationship of trust and faith between us... but next time I'll bring the ball to you again. Trust in that and fly. Got it?" Hinata nods and the game resumes.

You winced as Kageyama set the ball directly into Hinata's face.

"Ugh. I guess that one time it worked was just a fluke..." Kinoshita said as he changed the scoreboard.

"Maybe," Suga says. "But the accuracy of Kageyama's setting is definitely increasing ."

"You sure?"

"Definitely," you add, booping Kinoshita's nose and smiling as you made him blush.

Turning your attention back to the court, you grin at Kageyama's face. He was obviously having fun with the challenge.

"What're you smirking for?! That was the second time you nailed me in the face, Y'know!"

"This makes zero sense to me," Tsukishima said to Daichi. "It's obvious that was a fluke. But they refuse to wise up and keep failing at it again and again."

"Yeah. But, y'know? You're right. It doesn't make any sense. I mean, 100 percent trusting someone? That not something people can generally do at the drop of a hat. Especially when the other guy is a former hated rival."

Hinata rubs his cheek, pouting. "Dang it! This isn't working at all."

Yamaguchi serves the ball.

"I got it!!" Tanaka yells, receiving the ball.

"Nice receive!"

"I bet he's just going to put it up for shorty to ram his face into again. All we need to do is mark Tanaka-san and we'll be fine—" Tsukki was cut off by Hinata running forward at a great speed. "Yamaguchi! Get over here! Well stop him with a double block!"

Tadashi rushes to stand beside Tsukishima only for Hinata to stop and sprint in the other direction.

"Huh?! What the heck?! What was that?!"

You cheered, watching as Hinata leapt and Kageyama set the ball, briefly making eye contact with Hinata before he slammed the ball down on the other side of the court. Daichi tried to receive it, but it was too late.

Everyone was silent for a moment before Kageyama and Hinata broke it. "YES!!" They yell, making fists with their hands.

"That's my baby!!" You yell, cupping your hands over your mouth.

You chose those words on purpose, knowing they'd fight over who it was meant for later. Everyone else in a gym prickled slightly with jealousy.


I hope you guys don't mind that I changed it to hinata looking at Mc instead of closing his eyes, I thought it was cute and a way to change it up.

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