Chapter 1 - The Box

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Soon, I had became conscious by the overwhelming rattling sounds coming from around me, which were now racing through my mind on repeat each time getting rapidly faster, as if that wasn't enough a sudden shock of pain flowed through my body, causing me to lay flat on the cold, hard surface waiting for the pain to die down before making any sudden movements.

As the pain decreased I slowly started to lift myself up into a sitting position holding onto the metal to keep myself still, trying to avoid getting hurt again.

Lifting my gaze, my eyes started to dart around the enclosed area trying to find a clue to what was going on and where I was but to no avail, there was nothing. The box was quite dark but every so often small bright lights would pass by  the edges, giving me an idea of the direction I was going, up.

After a while, making sure I would no longer be in pain after I move, slowly I begin to hoist myself up, weaving my fingers through the metal edge. Still feeling a bit drowsy after recently gaining consciousness I stumble to the side but quickly become balanced by holding out my arms rather side of me, this action causes a slight rattle making me realise I'd just hit something. Adjusting my eyes I see that I had hit a wooden crate, not realising them there before I try to inspect the area.

To my surprise, the box quickly comes to a halt and I could feel myself flying face first back onto the rigid surface area where this journey had began. Once again lifting myself off of the ground, grunting as I do so, to find myself standing in what I could only suspect is the centre of the box, "God" I thought to myself "I must look so stupid standing here like a lost sheep"

Before I could do anymore criticising another ray of light flows in through the ceiling, brightening the gloomy area. Covering my eyes so I don't get blinded, I could hear whispers from above what the heck? I thought.

I could hear people saying things like 'I wonder what shank we got this time' or 'I can't wait she see the look on the greenies face when he comes up!'

Shank? Greenie? He? I was confused by this new language and honestly I was offended thinking that I would be a he, do these people have no decency for the female sex?

Suddenly everything goes quiet and I realise that I can now clearly see. So I did whatever normal person would do I looked up. As my eyes wander around all these different people more questions come to mind.

Who are these people? Who am I? Where am I? How did I get into this position in the first place??

But what astonished me the most was, why were there no female components? And why was I the bug being watched in the test tube, when everyone can clearly see that it's not just me in here. It's them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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