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"Screw you, Daisy, I don't need no stupid nursing home" Andrew crowed, scowling at the cheery decor and yellow walls of his new "home". Please. His daughter, Daisy, just smiled. "I'm sorry Daddy, but you know it's time" Andrew sighed. He knew perfectly well it was time. He wasn't a fresh young flower anymore, and god knew Daisy didn't need the extra stress of taking care of her old man. "Promise me you'll visit me, sweetie?" He addressed Daisy as well as a young girl who clung to the folds of her mother's soft blue dress. His granddaughter. She nodded solemnly, big brown eyes wide with childlike sincerity. Andrew smiled at her kneeling. He held out his hands, showing the girl that they were empty. "What's this I see?" He reached around a appeared to pull a piece of candy out of her ear. She laughed and giggled, and her grandpa handed it to her. "Dad! Not before dinner!" Daisy chastened, but she was smiling. Andrew stood up, holding his lower back and wobbling. Daisy reached out to help him, but he waved her off. "Daisy, your old man is going to be fine. Now stop worrying!" He chuckled.

Without warning, Daisy burst into tears, flinging her arms around her dad. "I love you, daddy," she sobbed. "Hey, sweetie, it's gonna be okay. You can visit me anytime you want" He patted her back, hugging her close. "Now go on, I'll be FINE." Daisy wiped her eyes. "I know you will be." She sniffled. Slowly she picked up her daughter and they walked out the door. They stopped at the edge and turned around. "I love you, daddy," Andrew saw her mouth. He turned away, blinking away his tears.

"Hiya!" Andrew startled, turning around to find himself face to face with another old man, with the darkest eyes you ever saw. "Sorry to interrupt your brooding and sadness, but I would like a piece of candy too." What? Andrew flushed "I'm sorry, but what do you want?" The other man laughed, throwing his head back. "I was watching you, and I saw you give your granddaughter that piece of candy. I had a friend who used to do that, and I want a piece of candy." He was stunningly direct, but Andrew obliged.

Andrew held his hands out in front of him, showing the other man they were empty. "See, empty hands," the other man nodded earnestly. Then Andrew reached up and seemed to grab a piece of candy from the other man's ear. "Voila!" Andrew tossed the candy at him with a smile. The other man grinned, inspecting the chewy caramel. "Very nice. How bout in return I walk you to your new room? I already saw the paperwork and it's right across from mine." Andrew smiled "That would be wonderful."

The two men walked side by side up to Andrew's room in silence. When they reached the door, Andrew opened it with his key, turning away from the mystery man. He paused before entering. "Hey, what's your name? You seem very familiar for some reason." The other man paused, still smiling. Did he ever stop grinning? "My name is Mathew, Mathew Ronaldo." Andrew went pale and still. Oh my gosh, he thought. 

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