The Mission

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After Steve got that call, Nick Fury sent the Avengers to a mission to fight Thanos.

This was the Infinity War.

"Y/n stay here." Natasha says. "No! I wanna fight too! How come Peter gets to go? We are like the same age!" you yelp. "Let me ask Tony and Steve." Nat says. Natasha goes to both of them. "Before we leave, do you think Y/n can go with us? She wants to go. I trained her already." Nat asks them. "Nat I don't think that's a good idea." Steve says "Oh come on please? She always wanted to help you guys since she was a small child" Natasha says. "Tony..?" Steve asks. "Oh fine. Tell her to put a suit." Tony says.

Natasha grabs a suit from her bag. She hands it to you. "Wow thanks!" you say putting it on. "Does it fit?" Nat asks you. "Yes its perfect. Lets go!" you say excitingly. "Wait you need some weapons. You cant just punch and kick." Nat says while getting weapons.  She hands you bracelets that discharge electricity. "Wait don't you use these bracelets?" You say. "I have two pairs." Natasha says. "And here's a gun and a staff." she says.

You get on the quinjet. "Are you sure your up for this hard mission?" Thor asks you. "Yea I'm sure." You say. "Hey y/n I was wondering if we can go ou.." Peter says but gets cut off by Tony. "Hey Peter no romancing and that stuff right now. Not the time." Tony says. "No thank you, Peter. I don't really date." you say rolling your eyes. "Everyone we are here." Steve says. "Where are we..?" you say. "Wakanda." Steve replied.

Everyone hops out the quinjet but Peter and Tony. "Where is Tony going?" you asked Natasha. "I have no idea." Moments later the quinjet took off. "Is that the king of Wakanda?" You asked. "Yes." Nat says walking toward them.

"Your highness." Steve says. "Welcome to Wakanda. Head inside." T'challa says. While Shuri started working on Vision you noticed something outside from the window. It was The Outriders. "Maybe those are from Thanos" you said in your head. "Hey guys uh what are those things heading our way??" you asked. "I don't know but someone put a sheild around our place."  Shuri said.

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