
"Have a great summer!" The teachers told the students. Creek had planned to tell Poppy how he felt about her

"Alright Creek, what's the plan?" Creek's friend Marco asked.

"Simple, I just go to Poppy and tell her how I feel. It's close to the end of school so it's now or never," Creek explained to him. 

"What if she doesn't like you back?" Marco said. "From what I've seen, I don't think you really have a chance with her. I've also heard people say she's going to New York-- how lucky!"

"New York, you say? That's very nice place for celebrities-- even if I wasn't all New York, she'd no doubt like me back," Creek said giving a smile. It was the end of school and everyone was outside waiting for their ride. He saw Poppy talking with her friends and started to walk over to her.

"Mind if I talk to you, Poppy?" Creek asked her as soon as he reached her. Poppy looked at her friends and then back to Creek. 

"I think I have some time before my dad gets here." Poppy replied. They walked to a little spot where they could talk alone.

"Soooo... there has been something I have been meaning to tell you for a while--" Creek started. Poppy gave a sign for him to go on. "-- I've sorta been having feelings.... for you."

Poppy's eyes went a bit wide, she didn't know what to do in something like this. "I uh.. don't really know what to say. Look Creek, you're nice to me and all-- but I just don't have feelings for you." Poppy replied. She could see that Creek wasn't expecting that.

"You don't like me? But-But everyone likes me!" Creek tried to explain.


I wanted to give the city a new name in this song but just stuck with the song's city name-- the lyrics are changed a bit though-)

Poppy-     |'Listen, Russell.'|

Creek-      |'Who's Russell?'|

Poppy-    |'It's nothin' personal-- it's just-'|

            |'I've had friends like you before and you're just not my type.'|

                  |'Never around during the day, only come out at night'|

                 |'Emotionally wounded-- dark and brooding all the time'|

Poppy put her hand on her face in a dramatic way, acting sad.

                |'Hanging around with clowns, I don't need that in my life'|

                             |'I ain't Selena Kyle, I ain't no Vicky Vale'|

                 |'I was never into you even if you were Christian Bale'|

Creek-                    |'I'm more of a keaton guy myself'|

                                 |'Oooo, I loved him as Beetlejuice!'|

                               |'I'm just not into Gotham city guys.'|

Creek- |'Well, yeah, we're flawed but that's what makes us so relatable'|

                               |'I'm just not into guys who can't fly'|

                                                       |'I can fly!'|

I literally didn't know what to put here D:  )

Celebrity Singer (Trolls Human AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora