Chap 3

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*Sorry if there are spelling and grammar mistakes🙏

As I was on my way driving towards the entrance of the cafe, I saw the chairman and Karuizawa-san talking to each other.

It seems that Karuizawa-san had noticed the cars. However, what happened next was something out of this world.

The chairman.......
He kissed her?!?! On the cheek?!
Gosh, that made me flustered. When I glanced towards my right, I saw Megumi-san blushing while driving the car......

Yep, she also saw that.

I arrived in front of the entrance and it seems the chairman is heading here while smiling......

That's possible? He's actually smiling.
But I did saw him smile at the mall just now...... It's possible

Goodness gracious. I obtained way too much information in just one day. I started to to recollect what had happened since the mall earlier. No, ever since he met Karuizawa-san. I need to tell this to the others. Tomorrow, please come quickly.

Karuizawa-san is undoubtedly a precious existence for the chairman. While I was thinking and comprehending all the materials I've personally witnessed, the sound of the door being closed snapped me awake.

I looked through the front mirror and saw the chairman gazing out the window. He was looking at Karuizawa-san's flustered figure. He wore a slight grin witnessing her heading back towards her car with a red face.

Oh boy, is she okay? It's not healthy to blush that much and she did it a lot of times today, due to the antics of a certain mischievous chairman....

Mischievous..... Did I really used that word to describe the chairman? I used those two words  'MISCHIEVOUS' and 'CHAIRMAN' in the same line????? I can't believe this.

"Kuzuni-san, why aren't you driving?" his voice took me out of my trance.

.......... He let both me and Megumi-san witness his bold actions, now he expects us to be calm and just drive away pretending nothing happened?

Even Karuizawa-san's car didn't left yet. Megumi-san was definitely flustered too, she saw her boss being kissed whereas I saw mine kissed her boss.

"Kuzuni-san?" he called out to me again. I'm pissed, he should be considerate as I'm the one driving.

"Chairman, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me calm down for a moment, or else we might get into an undesired situation." I unintentionally sternly said it.

"Sure, but only for a minute. We're running late, weren't we?" he said as he gave permission.
Thank goodness he's not that cruel to let me drive in a frantic state.

'Pheeewwww', I started to drive towards the company as the meeting was held there.

When I was slightly scolded by Kuzuni-san, I realised how inconsiderate I was to her. I was caught up in my own amusement.

Although I'm sorry, I can't help it.

After Kei gave me the permission to earn the right to be with her again. I just became very happy and relieved. That's why I couldn't control myself.

I initially wanted to hug Kei but since I already did that at the counter. I went for the kiss, her reaction was priceless. In that regards, she didn't change at all.

She's probably mad at me for just leaving like that. Well, since she's done for the day and is going back home now, it won't distract her from work today.

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