0.1- Caramel Bakugo

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It's occurred to me that not everybody would understand the whole Bakugo smelling like caramel thing.
There's a fan theory that because the author, Horikoshi, says Bakugo's quirk works by him sweating a "nitroglycerine-like" substance, and that nitroglycerine smells like burned caramel, Bakugo would smell like burned caramel.
Hence, the headcannon. Hence the title of my fic and the ongoing theme in here of Bakugo smelling like the confectionery aisle at your local supermarket.
"But Cal," you might say, "that doesn't make sense. It says 'nitroglycerine-like' so it's not necessarily even nitroglycerine. In fact, scientifically speaking, that would look very different on screen and also wouldn't be practical because of how unstable nitroglycerine is."
To that I say, you're a big ass nerd for starters, and secondly, fuck you. You come into my house-
But that's why it's fanfiction, babies! It doesn't have to make sense! At all! It doesn't even have to be what Horikoshi intended! That's the point!
It's just kinda cool that this particular thing has a tad of scientific theory behind it.
I hope this answered a few questions for readers unfamiliar with the caramel Bakugo headcanon.

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